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"I'm just saying that I wanna get drunk!" Nate explained as we were walking towards the carriages. He had his arm thrown around Callie's neck and my arm was intertwined with Melbas. "Is that too much to ask?"

"You better now have any alcohol hidden in that bag of yours." Callie said. "If you get caught with it on school grounds, you'll get expelled."

"So I'll get expelled." He joked but his smile faded as soon as Callie glared up at him. "I'm joking, I'm joking! Don't worry babe, I've got no alcohol with me. I'll just have to brew some myself to get drunk."

"Don't you dare." Nick told him. "If you get expelled, we lose our keeper."

"That's what you're worried about?" Nate argued. "That you'll lose your keeper?"

I think one of the reasons the six of us are bonded so well, was probably our love for quidditch. We're all on the Hufflepuff quidditch team.

Nick and I both tried out for the team at the start of our second year and we got the positions as chasers.

In our third year, Melba decided to tryout and got the position as one of the beaters. Year later Callie got the position as the second beater.

At the start of our fourth year, Nate and Seth both tried out. Nate became the new keeper and Seth became the third chaser.

Now, we're all seventh years on the team. Our seeker and team captain is Cedric Diggory. He usually gets tired of us. I mean, he is the captain of an entire team of best friends who act like fucking donkeys sometimes.

"Oh look. The carriage is about to leave!" Nick spoke as he rushed over to hold it so we could get on. Melba let go of me and got on it first, followed by Seth and when I stepped up, he grabbed my arm, pulling me the rest of the way. I shrieked as I almost tripped but Seth got a hold of me and we laughed together as we sat down.

Though my laugh quickly died when I saw who was across from me. Oh crap. Fred sat right in front of me, staring back at me with his twin brother on one side and Angelina on the other.

Nick sat down on the other side of her while Nate sat beside me with Callie on his lap.

The carriage started moving.

"You've got to be kidding me." I blurted, not taking my eyes off of him and neither did he.

"Well this just became a whole lot awkward." Nick said, earning a kick from Melba which made him yelp in pain.

"Julie, right?" Angelina asked with a smile as she extended her hand. "It's nice to officially meet you."

I didn't answer and I didn't shake her hand. She knew what she was doing. She knew she had been the home wrecker. The person who ruined my relationship to Fred.

"Angie, don't." Fred whispered but loud enough for me to hear.

"What? I'm trying to be polite."

"Were you trying to be polite when you fucked my boyfriend?" I asked and finally ripped my eyes away from Fred to look at her.

Seth clamped a hand over his mouth to not laugh and Nick did too right after he actually did let out a laugh.

"I like this." George spoke with a smirk on his face. When Fred cheated, he was one of the first people to come see if I was okay. Told me he had spend hours yelling at his brother for behaving in such a disgusting way.

"I don't." I spoke and looked at Fred again. The only reason I acted like this. Acted tough, was so that I didn't break into tears. "Oi! Callie. Watch out. Johnson may try to fuck your boyfriend."

His Hufflepuff ; Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now