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July 29th of 1997

"Jules?" Fred asked, closing the door to the bedroom. "You asleep?"

I hummed in response, nodding my head against the pillow. I felt the bed dip as Fred crawled over to me, throwing a leg over my body to hover over me.

I felt his hands run up my bare back to my shoulders, giving them a squeeze as he massages them.

"Maybe not so much." I then whispered, hearing his soft laugh fill the room. "You know what they say— the way to a girls heart is through her shoulders."

His laugh got a little louder and he leaned down to rest his forehead against my shoulder blade.

"I've never heard anyone say that." He told me before he sat up straight again.

"Neither have I." I chuckled into the pillow, groaning when he resumed the shoulder massage.

Fred's hands ran back down my back and when he ran them to my sides, I giggled at the tickling sensation.

"Fred." I whined, grabbing onto his hand which laid on my side. "C'mon, let go to bed so we can both get some sleep."

I heard him groan as he let himself drop down next to me, laying on his bed with his eyes staring up at the ceiling.

"You good?" I asked with a smile as I placed my hand on his chest. He hummed, placing his hand on top of mine. He slowly turned his head and smiled at me.

"I'm great."


"Yeah." He grinned, scrunching his nose as he spoke. He rolled onto his side, wiggling his way closer to me, which made us both laugh at how ridiculous he looked. He kissed my cheek, then got off the bed to get out of his clothes.

"Freddie?" I asked, rolling onto my back before sitting up. "Don't you think it's weird that my friends haven't contacted me at all?"

Fred looked at me as he pulled his shirt off and put it on top of the dresser before he started unbuckling his belt.

"Maybe they didn't think of it." He said. "I'm sure they're fine, Jules. When we wake up in the morning, I'm sure there will be a letter from one of them."

I sighed and scooted closer to the headboard, pulling the duvet up to cover my chest.

"I'm really worried." I told him. "They've never not told me where they were going and definitely not for this long — but they haven't left without asking me to come with either."

I watched Fred as he pulled down his trousers and stepped out of them before he threw both those and his shirt into the laundry basket next to the drawer.

"What if something happened to them?" I asked. "If they're hurt?"

Fred crawled back onto the bed, placing his hands on either side of my body as he pressed a kiss to my lips.

"Listen, if they still haven't written you tomorrow, we'll go visit Violet and then the rest of their families. If no one has seen them, we can visit the Ministry and file for a missing person's report."

I sighed, but ended up agreeing as Fred crawled under the duvet to join me. I laid down and he wrapped an arm around me, moving it up and down my side.

"I know I might just be stupid." I said. "I just— I need to remind myself what you once told me. Not everyone is going to leave me."

Fred brought his hand up to the side of my face, cupping it with his thumb brushing and caressing my skin.

His Hufflepuff ; Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now