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14 months later
July of 1997

"Stop." I giggled into the pillow when I felt his hand find my behind underneath the duvet. He smiled against my shoulder before he ran his hand up to rest against my bare back.

I turned my head to face him, smiling weakly. Fred's smile only grew and he pulled his head back before bringing his hand up, bopping my nose with his finger.

"You're cute." He told me, leaning his face closer. I closed my eyes, chuckling softly when he brushed his nose against mine. I tangled my fingers into his hair, keeping him close to me as I kissed him.

I threw a leg over his keep, keeping it there while his hand found its way back down to cup one of my asscheeks.

"Move in with me." He whispered against my lips, causing me to pull back so I could look at him.

"Freddie—" I groaned. "... we've talked about this. Now isn't a good time."

He sighed and let go of me. He grabbed under my thigh, removing my leg from his hip before he sat up. He brushed his fingers through his hair shortly, then rubbed his eyes before he got out of bed.

"Don't be mad." I pouted. "You know now isn't a good time. I'll be traveling a lot anyway so I wouldn't be home a lot."

Fred turned around and placed his hands on his hips.

"It's not like that'll ever stop, will it? You're a professional Quidditch player. You will always be traveling, Jules."

I got up on my knees and made my way to the edge of the bed. I wrapped my arms around his bare waist, pulling him closer. I planted a kiss on his rib, then tilted my head back to look up at him.

"I don't know, Freddie." I sighed. "I've never really had a home. You're supposed to feel safe in your home and I do feel safe here with you. I don't know why that scares me."

"Yes you do." He said, smiling softly as he ran his fingers through my hair. "You just said it yourself. You've never really had a home. Of course it's going to be scary when I offer you to move in. I mean— you practically already live here. The only thing we would need to do is get your stuff from your flat and drop them off here."

I took a deep breath, leaning my forehead against his chest. Fred wrapped his arms around my shoulders, planting a kiss on my head.

"Okay." I agreed. "I can move in. Though I'm gonna need your help with moving my things."

"Of course, my love." He assured me, cupping my face to tilt my head back. He pressed a kiss to my lips. "What're your plans for today?"

"Uh— well, Callie and Nate are coming home, taking a break from their jobs in Romania." I said. "Seth's hosting a little get-together for us but Melba won't be joining until later. She doesn't get off work until seven."

Fred pressed another kiss to my lips, letting it linger before he walked over to the dresser and pulled out one of my shirts. I had some stuff here. I actually almost had more stuff here than I did in my own flat.

"Get a shirt on." He told me, throwing the shirt at me.

I gasped dramatically, acting offended as I started pulling it on.

"What? You don't like my boobs?" I pouted. Once I got my head and arms through the holes, I dragged it down to cover my torso.

"Oh, I love your boobs." Fred grinned, leaning back against the dresser. "But I'm not letting George see you like that. He's already seen and done enough with you in the past."

Right, I ended up telling Fred that George and I once went down on each other to experiment with sexual stuff. He kind of freaked out but later, he calmed down about it because I'm with him, and not George.

"Yes, sir." I breathed, getting off the bed. I pulled out my hair from under the material of my shirt, then joined him by the dresser as I found a pair of trousers.

I could do more out of myself after breakfast. For now, I just needed to cover myself up so I didn't walk out there half-naked.

"What time are you leaving to go to Seth's?" Fred asked, brushing some of my hair off my shoulder while I buttoned my trousers. I had to suck in my stomach and hold my breath. It was getting hard to fit in them.

"Gotta be there at noon." I told him, turning towards him with my hand resting against the dresser.

"So— cuddling after breakfast?" He grinned cheekily. I hummed in response, wetting my lips as I looked up at him. I then patted his chest as I walked past him and pulled the door open to leave the bedroom.

"Good morning to you, George." I greeted as he was leaned back against the counter, drinking from a glass of water.

"Good morning to you, Julie." He mocked, causing me to laugh softly as I got ready to cook breakfast.

These two are really lazy. Every time I'm here, I'm the one cooking for them, and when they're alone, they still don't cook. They go out to eat or order some.

"Your mother's owl came again this morning." George told me while Fred walked over to look through the mail.

I sighed and glanced towards the pile of letters along with the Daily Prophet.

"I told her to quit it." I sighed. My mother has been sending me letters, and money because she thinks I need it from her.

I get paid enough for playing for the English National Quidditch Team. I don't need her money and I definitely do not need to hear from her.

"Do you need me to burn it again or do you want to open it this time?" Fred asked, holding up the envelope.

"Burn the letter, please?" I asked. "I'll send the money back."

His Hufflepuff ; Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now