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"What did you smell in your Amortentia?"

"I don't know. Perfume was the strongest scent and behind that I got the hint of quidditch equipment, parchment and... snow for some reason but then there was lemons too. Like the ones you used to eat all the time."

Seth had smelled me. I mean, I really wasn't surprised, seeing as he had already told me how he feels but I still felt so bad for him. He was my best friend, he means so much to me and I hate to see him go through something like that.

I know what it's like to see the person you love with someone else. That's why I can't keep fighting with Fred when I just want to be with him.

"Mimbulus Mimbletonia." I whispered to the fat lady in the dark. She looked at me with tired eyes but decided to not question my intentions. The painting opened and I snuck inside, waiting for it to close again before I tiptoed my way towards the stairs to not made the floor give away that I was here doing the night.

I hissed softly when the door to Fred's dormitory creaked. I stilled and waited for a moment to hear if anyone woke up but when no one did, I slowly made my way inside and closed the door again but once again it made sound.

This time no one woke up either so I snuck over to Fred's bed where he was sleeping peacefully on his back, an arm under his head and another hanging off the bed.

I pushed the covers away a little and crawled into bed with him. I threw a leg over his body and wrapped my arms around him as I laid on top of him, my head resting under his chin. He made a small sound before I felt both of his arms wrap around me while he was asleep.

I nuzzled my head against him, closing my eyes with a smile on my lips.

"I miss you." I whispered, knowing he couldn't hear me, but I didn't care.

"I miss you more." His voice came softly from underneath me. He pulled the covers up over the both of us before wrapping the arm around me again. "Couldn't sleep?"

"No." I muttered. "Had a nightmare. Needed you."

This whole thing with my mum and knowing she was a different person that I had been told... it got me stressed and the nightmare revolved around her and my dad. In my dream, my dad was hitting me and when I found my mum she didn't want me, told me I was a disgrace and an embarrassment.

I was scared that it was going to be true. I knew from her diary that she loved me but what I found her and she took one look at her now 17-year-old daughter and decided that she wanted nothing to do with me.

"I'm here." Fred whispered against my hair. "Try and sleep. I've got you, darling."

His arms tightened around me and I smiled when he pressed a kiss to my head.

Two whole weeks had passed since our fight and this was the first time we cuddled since then. It was currently the night to Monday and on Saturday morning we'd all be going home for the holidays.

The next morning, Fred and I woke up about the same time but the dormitory was empty and we were the only one in here.

George's bed was empty.

Lee's bed was empty.

Kenneth's bed was empty.

Fred was running his fingers through my hair, brushing it back and out of my face while he had an arm wrapped tightly around my back.

I wanted to stay like this forever but it was Monday and breakfast ended at 8:30 before our first class was at 9:00. We had charms. Two hours of it.

His Hufflepuff ; Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now