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July 28th of 1998

Crying filled the room, waking both Fred and I from our sleep. Fred groaned and reached out to swat my arm.

"Your turn." He mumbled before he rolled over and pulled his pillow out from under his head to cover his head and drown out the sound.

I sat up with a sigh, rubbing my eyes as I swung my legs over the edge of the bed, standing up.

Fred and I took turns during the night whenever Nick would cry. Our baby was four months and two weeks old — his eyes were brown like mine. His colour had already settled.

I walked around the bed to the crib where it stood on Fred's side. I cooed at Nick as I reached into the crib and lifted him up into my arms.

"Hi baby." I whispered, having him lie against my shoulder while I rocked him to get him to calm down while I walked back to my side of the end to sit down. He needed feeding. When Nick latched on, he stopped crying and ate happily.

I looked back at Fred to see him rearrange his pillow so he laid on it again, his eyes closed while he yawned.

"You're a good mum." He mumbled, reaching out to touch my back. I smiled softly at how adorable he looked, before I looked down at Nick in my arms.

His brown eyes were open, staring up at me as he ate. I brushed my knuckles over his cheekbone, smiling at how beautiful my son looked.

I loved him more than anything. I never knew such love existed and in the four months of Nick's life, I had found myself wondering if my parents ever felt this way when they were holding me in their arms.

I will never be like my parents. I'll take care of my son. I'll raise him to be a good person, I'll raise him with love and kindness and he'll have the childhood I didn't have.

August 2nd of 1998

"Look at you!" Fred cooed, holding out son up into the air to look at him while Nick's laughter filled the flat as he stuck his fingers into his mouth. "You look just like your dad, don't you?"

He placed our son on his hip, his head resting against his shoulder. Fred placed his hand against our son's head to support him. He cried just minutes ago but he always laughs when he gets lifted into the air.

"I wonder if he'll be able to know the difference between you and George while growing up." I said. "You look almost identical."


"Yeah." I nodded. "I mean— I've always known the difference. Maybe not right away but since we got to know each other. You don't look completely identical anymore. Your face is softer put together, though your personality is rougher."

Fred raised his eyebrows as he leaned his head on top of Nick's.

"No one's ever put it like that." He said as he smirked. "Does that mean I'm the better twin?"

I chuckled and leaned back on the sofa, crossing one leg over the other.

"I'm dating you for a reason, aren't I?"

He gasped enthusiastically before he walked over and leaned down, holding Nick against his shoulder as he pressed a kiss to my lips.

"I'm so gonna tell George you said that."

"No you won't!"

"Yes, I will." He laughed. "Because this is the first time you ever agreed with me. I'm the better twin. I rock, George sucks."

"Give me my son." I glared at Fred and he chuckled as he carefully handed me Nick. I lifted him into the air, making him laugh before I brought him down so I could smother him in kisses. I turned him around in my lap, holding him as I pressed another kiss to his head. I looked up at my boyfriend. "He really do look like you. I love that."

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