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I made a collage to show you who I see as Matteo and Ezra. I want to call them hot but they're supposed to be my brothers in this and I am not a resident of Alabama.


"Are you serious?"

I looked at Seth, smiling awkwardly while I scratched the back of my neck. Nate was sending me a wink along with a thumbs up which made Seth roll his eyes as he shoved him.

"One of your brothers are here, by the way." Seth told me and glanced at Fred before he turned around and walked away.

"He's a bit grumpy." Nate said, nodding slowly as he kept looking from Fred to me. Fred let out a heavy breath before he looked back at me. He then widened his eyes at me for a moment and grinned as he followed after Seth.


One of my brothers are here?

I walked out into the common room and froze when I saw Ezra stand by the fireplace, looking up at the painting of Helga Hufflepuff. He was wearing casual clothing again, just like the last time I saw him. Black sweatpants and a white hoodie, then plain white sneakers.

"Why do you keep showing up here?" I asked, causing him to look at me. "First Matteo and now you. This isn't camp. It's a school."

"Dumbledore let me visit." he told me before he eyed me up and down, then looked to Fred who showed up behind me. I followed Ezra's gaze and noticed that Fred's hair was messy while a hickey on his neck was showing from when I sucked on his skin in the owlery just before we left to come and shag here.

"Weasley." Ezra greeted. "Nice seeing you again... coming out from my sisters dorm."

He knows Fred? I mean, I knew Fred told me he knew who my brothers were but I didn't know they actually knew each other.

"Yeah, uh–" Fred laughed nervously and scratched the back of his neck, then he saw the way I looked at him. "... both him and Matteo has given me detention in the past."

I frowned, then looked at Ezra.

"You were head boy?"

"No. I was a prefect." he told me. "Matteo was head boy in his seventh year. Weird how you didn't recognise us when we showed up here."

Well, I don't exactly remember much from my second year when Matteo was in his last year, and I certainly don't remember Ezra from my fifth year for some reason.

"I don't remember you." I told him. "At all."

"You don't?" he questioned. "Not even the time I was on patrol at night and caught you make your way to the kitchen for some food? The only reason I let you off easy was because I knew you were my sister."

What the fuck.

"I don't remember that." I said. "Not even one bit of it. I never– I don't sneak out. I've been a prefect since year five and now I'm a head girl. Plus, I've never been in the kitchen."

"Because I stopped you from going." he told me with a frown. "How do you not remember? That was two years ago."

I let out a deep sigh. I really didn't want to keep discussing this. I wanted to know why he was here and what he wanted.

"Are you here to tell me to drop it?" I asked. "To tell Matteo I don't want him to have custody?"

Ezra frowned and cracked his knuckles while slowly shaking his head.

"I don't know why you'd assume that." he said. "I'm not a bad person, Julie."

"No, but you had an attitude the last time I saw you." I explained. "I just assumed you didn't like me."

The youngest of my brothers let out a sigh and pushed his hands back into the pockets of his sweatpants. Him not liking me was definitely the first impression I got of him. That, and also being kinda rude, yet protective in some way.

"The thing I don't like, is change." he told me. "So yeah, I may not have reacted in a good way when we suddenly got a letter from that Johnson person, and Matteo then forced me to come along, but that doesn't mean I don't like you or that I don't want to be a brother to you."

I sent him a look before I turned to look at Fred. He took the hint and grasped my jaw, planting a kiss on my lips which quickly made us both freeze.


"I'll just go." he said, looking at me and I hummed, nodding in agreement. He hurried out of the common room and I ran a few fingers over my lips, loving the feeling of being able to kiss him casually again. Though it was bad timing to do that right in front of one of my brothers whom I didn't even know.

"Matteo told me you and your boyfriend had broken up." was the first thing Ezra said. "So I'll take it that either that boyfriend was Weasley or you've got a new one."

"That's uh–" I cleared my throat and pointed towards the door where Fred had just left. "It's confusing, alright? I think we're back together. We still need to talk about it."

"Uh-huh." he nodded slowly. "Which one is he again? Fred or George? I was never able to tell them apart, especially because I once caught one of them in the corridors after curfew and he claimed to be his twin. I still don't remember which ended up being which."

"That's Fred." I told him. "The one I'm... seeing? I don't know. Why're you here again?"

"Oh, right." he nodded slowly. "Well you see... mum found out about Matteo plans on filing for custody and they ended up having this huge fight. She'll be there at the hearing. Matteo couldn't come because he has work but he asked me to come here and warn you about it. Mum found out right after he sent the letter."

For fuck sake.

"Then I'm not going."

Ezra sighed at my answer and closed his eyes, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Do you want Matteo to gain custody of you?" he asked and when I nodded, he did as well. "Right, well, then the only smart move is to show up. Listen, I'm not gonna stand here and tell you to ignore her or hate her because she's my mother too and I have a good relationship to her–"

Thanks for rubbing it in.

"... but she's just going to be there, alright? You'll sit with Matteo anyway."

And suddenly I'm no longer excited for the hearing.

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