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Tea will be spilled in this one...


Dear Diary,

Do you remember when I told you I was trying to be brave for the children? I can't do this anymore. It's toxic and my children don't deserve it. Ted hit me again and this time it was in front of the boys.

I'm not gonna bring you unfortunately. Ted never uses the desk so you'll be safe in the drawer and maybe Julie will find it one day and we can be reunited. Am I a horrible mother for not bringing her with me? If she was older, then maybe it would've been safe. The boys are old enough to come with me but Julie is only a few weeks old. I know Ted loves her and he'll raise her to be a wonderful girl and eventually woman. He would never lay a hand on the kids. She'll have a good li–

I scrolled through the pages to find another page, my brows furrowed in a confused frown. I didn't understand any of this. It didn't make any sense. I had opened the diary on the last page that was written on and that's what I read?

"Jules?" Fred asked. I didn't look at him. I didn't answer him either. I found the first page of the dairy and walked over to the bed with fast steps. I sat down and let out a breath as I let my eyes slide over the page.

Dear Diary,

You're my fourth diary. I started doing this when Matteo was born. I wanted to document him growing up and now he's almost four and I'm currently pregnant with my first girl. I can go into labor at any moment. That's what the healer at St. Mungo's told–

St. Mungos?

What the fuck. She was a muggle. My mum was a muggle. That's what I'd been told my entire life. I shook my head as I continued scrolling through the diary.

Dear Diary,

Ezra asked me why my eye was blue and red. He's two years old. He's not supposed to worry about that. I know he won't remember this when he's older, unless Ted continues hitting me. I need to get away. My children and I need to get away and be safe. We're not safe with him. He would never hurt them but he yells at them and he grabbed Matteo's arm yesterday. How can we get out?

"Fuck!" I cursed, throwing the diary on the floor out of frustration. I shook my head and closed my head while I ran my hands into my hair to tug on it. I needed to gather my thoughts so I could think straight.

"Julie, love." Fred placed a hand on my shoulder, causing me to flinch before I looked up at him. He slowly removed his hand, watching me with a questioning look in his eyes.

"This–" I breathed, motioning towards the room. "It was a bad idea. I shouldn't– this wasn't meant to happen."

"What does the diary say?"

"Nothing." I hurried to say and pushed myself up from the bed, crouching down to pick up the diary that was opened on the floor. I closed it and pressed it to my chest while standing up. "Nothing at all. I need to get out of here. I'm sorry, I just need–"

I headed for the door but I felt Fred's hand grab my wrist which made me turn around and look at him.

"Are you okay?" he asked. "I need to know if you should be alone right now."

"Fred, I'm fine!" I spat. "I just– my mum... she's not–"

"Not what?"

"Not a muggle." I shrugged and ripped my arm from his grip before hurrying out of the room of requirement, Fred slowly following behind. "Listen, I'll see you at lunch. I need to go see someone."

I didn't let my boyfriend respond before I rushed down the hallways, the diary pressed to my chest. So many thoughts were racing through my mind. Why would my dad lie? Was he really a violent man in he and my mums relationship? He had always spoken as if he loved her. And boys? I had brothers? I was told I was their only child and that my mum left when she figured out that my dad was a wizard and that she just gave birth to a witch.

If my mum had been a witch, she must've attended Hogwarts, meaning that someone here would have to know. I know that my parents were born in 1950, meaning they would've attended Hogwarts at the same time as Mr and Mrs Weasley but they had never mentioned my mum so maybe they hadn't known her. I needed to talk to a teacher who was here during 1962-1969 which was the years my dad attended and would be the years my mum attended if she really was a witch. They were both born after September so they had to start just before their 12th birthday.

Professor Sprout.

I needed to speak to Professor Sprout. She was head of house during those years and I knew she was familiar with my father so she must've known my mother too if she went here.

"Julie!" Callie called as I passed her, Nate and Melba in the hallways. I said a quick 'hi' then continued towards Professor Sprout's office.

"Where're you going?!" Melba's voice drowned in the crowd of people as I pushed my way through everyone who just got from their class. I hurried down all the stairs to the ground floor, and sped up my pace when I got outside.

When I got to the greenhouses, I knocked on the door to the office and when the door opened by itself, I walked in, letting it close behind me.

"Miss Pegas." Professor Sprout offered me a smile as she was caring for one of the plants in the office. "What can I do for you, dear?"

"I uh–" great, now I had to find a way to ask without sounding fucking insane. What person didn't know their parents blood status? "I have a question about... about someone who might have been a student during the sixties."

She turned to look at me, a slight frown on her face. She looked at me like I was being suspicious.

"Aren't helping Potter with one of his adventures, are you?" she asked. "He's always asking questions about things he wants to know and I've been waiting for the boy to find something he want to ask me about."

"This has got nothing to do with Harry." I assured her. "I think this person might have been in Hufflepuff during her years at Hogwarts."

Professor Sprout observed me for another moment before nodding and motioning for me to take a seat in one of the chairs opposite her desk. While I sat down, she walked to the chair behind her desk and looked at me, nodding for me to continue.

"It's my mother." I said. "I really don't know much about her but I've been told she was a muggle. Though I have reasons to believe she was actually a wizard."

"Her name?"

"Uh.. Annie Rivers."

"Annie Rivers." professor Sprout muttered. She looked like she was tasting the word, trying to figure out where she had heard it before. Then her eyes landed on me again. "You're Annie Rivers daughter?"

"So you did know her?"

"Of course I did." she smiled. "Rivers was one of my best students. She made prefect in her fifth year and head girl in her seventh. Everyone knew of the relationship she had with your father but then she disappeared. I never thought about the possibility of you being her daughter."

How couldn't she? I thought the school kept records of things like that.

My mum was a witch. My dad had lied to me my entire life and now I had no idea where to start. I needed answers. Answers that only my dad could give me.

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