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A smile formed on my lips as I walked through the doors to Fred and George's shop. They were both working hard at different things, talking to costumers, restocking while Verity stood behind the register.

Fred was stood on a ladder on the shelves near the door, but when he saw me, he slid it all the way along the shelf until he reached me. He jumped off, taking my face in his to kiss me.

"How was practice?" He asked. "Good?"

"Oh, it was great!" I nodded, grinning widely. "Exhausting, but great! Though I uh— I'm off the team until March, maybe April."

Fred's smile dropped and his eyebrows fell into a frown as he placed his hands on his hips.

"You're off the team?" He asked, shaking his head slowly. "Why're you smiling about it?"

"It's only temporary. I'll inform you about it tonight, yeah? Oh, and I contacted my landlord this morning. Told her I'm moving so in two months, the flat is officially not mine anymore, but I can already move in tomorrow if you still want me."

"If I still—" Fred scoffed and wrapped his arms around me, hugging me tightly. "...of course I still want you to move in. I know George wants that too."

I smiled up at him as I pressed my lips to his, kissing him softly before I pulled back.

"I need a shower." I told him. "I'll come down and help afterwards."

"Alright." He nodded at me and I felt his eyes burn into my back as I walked up the stairs and entered the flat.

It had really been a great day. My teammates were completely supportive of my pregnancy. I had to tell them because I can't play quidditch with a fetus inside of me.

I was wondering when I was gonna see my friends again. The last time I saw them was on Saturday when they all got really drunk and I went home sober after they discovered I was pregnant.

I wanted to see them again at least one more time before Nate and Callie went back to Romania for work.

I was thinking about going to see Seth and Violet sometime tomorrow. See if the others were still there.

We were supposed to see each other yesterday as well, but I guess we forgot about it since I spent all day with Fred and George. Or maybe I was the one who forgot we were supposed to meet. I hope they don't think I ditched them. I hope they're not mad. I just forgot.

Tonight, I was gonna tell Fred that I was pregnant. I was gonna see his reaction, see if he wanted our baby. I even have an ultrasound photo from my appointment at St. Mungos. It's a photograph that moved, so you can see the fetus move around in my uterus.

I took my shower, then got dressed in something other than my Quidditch Uniform. After drying my hair and brushing through it, I made myself some lunch, and as I sat and ate it while looking through the daily prophet on the table, the door opened and Fred walked in.

"Fresh out the shower, I see." He smiled when he saw my hair was dry, yet a little damp. He walked around me and leaned down, wrapping his arms around my shoulders as he buried his face in the crook of my neck, brushing his nose against my skin. "You smell good."

I chuckled and let go of the page of the newspaper to run my hand into his hair while he planted a kiss against my pulse point.

"Lunch break." He announced. "Meaning, you can tell me now why you're temporarily off the team, and why you seem to be happy about it."

He grabbed the sandwich I had made off my plate and took a large bite before putting it down again.

"Fred! Make your own!" I exclaimed, pushing him in the stomach. He laughed and held up his hands in surrender as he backed up towards the counter to grab the bread. "Okay. I'll tell you."

I stood up, pushing the chair back as I made my way over to the counter where he stood.

"You're going to be a dad." I simply said before I turned around to walk to his room. The silence coming from him was too loud and it made me a little anxious to not know what he was thinking.

I pushed open the door to his room, making my way to my bag that stood by the side of the bed where I usually slept.

"I'm—" I heard Fred say, causing me to look up as he entered the room. "I'm going to be a what?"

"Uh—" I stood up straight, biting my lip. "... it depends really. If you're happy, then yes, I'm having your baby, but if you're not happy, forget I ever said anything."

"How— wha— I mean— wow."

"Wow?" I chuckled nervously, wrapping my arms around myself. "What does that mean?"

Fred looked at me for a while, but he didn't reply. Suddenly he just walked around the bed to where I stood, cupped my face to tilt my head back, before he pressed his lips to mine.

I smiled against his lips, knowing this meant he was happy about it. I wrapped my arms around his back, kissing him back as I pressed my body closer to his.

Fred ran his hands down my sides until he grabbed the back of my thighs and lifted me up before throwing me on the bed, making me laugh. He leaned down over me, a hand next to my head as he pressed a soft kiss to my lips.

Then he moved down until his head was by my stomach. He gently moved the material of my shirt up, then I felt him press a kiss to my stomach.

"Hi baby." He whispered. "It's your daddy talking."

He glanced up at me with a huge smile, and when I ran my hands through his hair, he moved back up to kiss my lips.

"This is good news." He assured me. "I'm happy. Are you?"

I nodded.

I really was.

I was gonna keep it.

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