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"Look!" Nick shrieked as we walked down the corridors on a Monday late in November. "It's snowing!"

He grabbed Melba's wrist and she laughed as he pulled her outside with him. The rest of us stopped in our tracks to wait for them while watching them throw themself in the snow that had already landed on the ground within the night.

"So childish." Nate said with a playful grin and a roll of his eyes as he stood there, an arm thrown over Callie. "Do you—"

He looked at her with a suggestive expression but when she looked up at him with a frown, he shrugged and pursed his lips.

"Nah— didn't think so."

Seth who stood next to me, nudged me with his elbow and when I looked at him, I offered a soft smile.

"You haven't said a word all morning." He told me. "Are you okay?"

"I'm just a little tired." I assured him and I heard Callie snicker, trying to hide it by pressing her face against Nate's chest. "Cal, what was that?"

She quickly turned towards me, a confused expression on her face as she looked everywhere but at me.

"Why'd you snicker at me?" I asked, smiling in amusement.

"Huh? I'm not quite following." Her eyebrows came together in a frown as she spoke and with a soft laugh, I shook my head.

"You're such a terrible liar."

"Am I?" She raised an eyebrow at me. "Nate, am I a terrible liar?"

"Course not, babe." Nate shook his head and when Callie looked back up at me, he nodded violently, gesturing towards Callie and I had to bite back a laugh.

"Oh great—" Seth said under his breath, his eyes flickering to somewhere behind me. "Here comes the cheater."

Then I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist and his familiar scent hit my nose as he leaned down and pressed a kiss to my cheek.

"Good morning, love." He whispered before he placed his chin on my head. "And good morning to you three."

"Have a nice sleep, Fred?" Callie asked with a smirk. "Or are you a bit tired just like our Julie here?"

My eyes widened. She knew something. Either Melba had simply told her that Fred and I snuck out together or she somehow knew what we had been doing in the Astronomy tower.

"What're you on about, Dendron?" Fred let out a small chuckle.

"Callie is being Callie." Nate sighed, shaking his head. "She's secretive. Always have been."

"Aren't you normally six?" George's voice sounded when he walked up to where we stood. "I only see four... and Fred."

"Oh yeah. Nick and Melba decided to go for a dive in the snow." Nate commented and nodded towards the middle courtyard.

"I would have joined." I breathed. "But I don't want to have to change my robes."

I leaned my head back against Fred's warm chest, a smile playing on my lips.

"George! Freddie!" A familiar voice called from down the hallway. All of us turned to look at my smile dropped when I saw Angelina who had been the one to call. Next to her were Alicia Spinnet and Lee Jordan who were deep in conversation. "Are you two done chitchatting so we can get some breakfast?"

Fred turned back to me and leaned down to kiss my lips. I made sure to make it quick, then stepped back, earning a weird glance from him.

"C'mon, Fred." George tugged at his brothers robes.

"I'll see you in class?" Fred asked, looking at me with a soft smile, waiting for me to smile back but I simply nodded and turned away from him.

I didn't mean to react like that but being reminded of him still being friends with Angelina... I couldn't explain how it felt. Like my chest was on fire or something.

And the way she called him by his nickname while calling George by his actual name.


"Are you okay?" Callie asked, causing me to look up and force a smile when my eyes met here.

"Why wouldn't I be?" I shrugged. "Can we go now? Let's face it, Nick and Melba aren't going   to be down playing around right now and once they do they'll have to go change their robes before they can even join us at the table."

Before giving them a chance to answer, I turned around and made my way into the Great Hall but even though they didn't answer, the three of my friends still followed me.

"Right, let's talk Quidditch." Nate said as we sat. "We have our first game of the season this Saturday."

"And we'll win." Seth said, glancing at Nate as he reached over the table and grabbed a pancake while I grabbed some egg and bacon. "Ravenclaw won't even know what hit them."

"Don't be so competitive." Callie told him. "Quidditch is for fun. Sure, we will win but it won't be fun if they know that."

I glanced at Callie before my eyes wandered to the Gryffindor table which was the table between Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw and then there was Slytherin who was on the other side of Hufflepuff.

Last year our table was near the kitchen but they move the order of the tables sometimes.

Fred was chatting with George and Lee about something as Angelina talked to Alicia, though Angelina kept looking at Fred and trying to get his attention.

Don't think I have ever been so happy about Fred not paying attention to someone. He acknowledged her when she said something and even there I felt jealous but then he turned away to continue talking to George and Lee.

I hated knowing that they were in the same house. Johnson was way closer to him during the night than I was. Fred was up in the Gryffindor tower with the person he cheated on me with and at the same time I'm sleeping down in the Hufflepuff basement.

"Hey." Seth's voice snapped me from my trance, ducking his head to meet my gaze. When my eyes met his, he smiled softly and tilted his head. "What're we having about in Charms? Still vinegar to wine?"

I nodded.

"Until the last day of the month." I told him. "Then I think we'll go into the Drought Charm but I'm not too sure. Better ask Flitwick if you want to know."

"And in potions?"

"In potions—" I narrowed my eyes at him. "Wait. Are you just trying to distract me?"

"From him?" He asked, pointing towards the Gryffindor table with his thumb. "You look like him being near her makes you feel like you were hit by a brick, so yeah. I'm distracting you."

I chuckled softly and guided some egg into my mouth.

"But there might be the possibility that I've actually forgotten what topic we're on on potions." He said, making my chuckle turn into a genuine laugh while I shook my head at him.

"Right now it's Veritaserum." I said. "Thought from December I'm pretty sure we'll be learning more about Amortentia."

Seth's smile dropped and his eyebrows came together as he looked down while taking a sip of his pumpkin juice.

Oh Seth.

His Hufflepuff ; Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now