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"But isn't Snape kinda hot?" Callie whispered from next to me as we were in potions again the very next Tuesday. "I mean. Hot in like a supervillain-kinda-way."

"What?" I laughed, my eyes flicking from her to Snape who sat behind his desk. "You're delusional."

"No." Melba shook her head. She sat at the other side of the table in the middle of Nick and Seth with George on the other side of Seth. "I'm gay and even I would like to bone him."

"Don't say bone." Callie scrunched her nose in disgust.

"Oh, so I can't say bone but you and Nate can talk about orgasms during meals?" Melba raised her eyebrows. "And Nick can talk about wizards who used to shit themselves and vanish the evidence afterwards? But I can't say bone?"

"Exactly." Callie smiled. "I'm so happy you get it."

"There's something called sarcasm, dumb-ass." Melba scoffed.

"Oh really? I thought it was called orgasm." Callie stuck up her middle finger at Melba who repaid the favor.

"I'll give you an orgasm if you don't stop touching the cauldron!" Nate basically roared the last part as he grabbed both of Callie's hands. "You're gonna burn yourself."

"Wait? Why would I stop touching it after an offer like that? You know I can't say no to an orgasm."

"Why are you once again discussing orgasms?" I asked. "And in potions?"

I lifted my glass of water that George had brought me, and took a sip. Fred was sitting next to me. Snape had told us that this rule with Fred being with me and George being with Seth was going to be all year because he didn't want to see the twins get into any trouble... so I was stuck with my ex boyfriend and the glares I from his latest girlfriend.

"Orgasms are the best." Callie informed me. "Don't you think, Jules?"

"Yes. I've had quite a few." I said but instantly regretted it. My eyes widened and so did Fred's as my friends plus George laughed.

I did not intent to say that out loud. With embarrassment, I raised the glass to my lips and took another sip.

"That was blunt." Nick commented with a frown on his face.

Basically, right now we were all just waiting for our potions to brew which took about an hour and we were forced to just sit and wait without having anything to do than chat.

"Can I ask you a question?" Seth asked me as a small smirk appeared on his face, eyes focused on me. I felt Fred tense up next to me. Gosh. He was still jealous from when he saw us kiss. He had no right to be though. He hadn't been my boyfriend for a long time.

"Sure." I nodded. "Unless it's a dumb one. I really don't want to hear another one of your dumb questions."

"My questions aren't dumb!" He argued. "My questions are—"

He stopped when he saw the unimpressed look on my face.

"Right. This question is actually for all of you. Just something to get the time going... y'know. The freakiest place you've had sex."

Oh geez.

"That's easy!" Nate scoffed. "The prefect bathroom."

"How is that freaky?" Melba asked.

"Well because we obviously don't have access to it." Callie said. "But Julie has it written in her notepad."

"Wait what?" I frowned and looked at her. "You stole the password?"

His Hufflepuff ; Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now