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Alright, yes I know I said the last chapter would be the last for tonight but I kinda don't have a life and I'm tired but can't sleep so this is the last one for tonight.

Also, I didn't want to keep you waiting on what was gonna happen with the custody case, so here you go.

ALSO!!!! My best friend asked me to shout out her story that she's got on her account.

Her username is CecilieKrgermejer and it's like a love triangle between the protagonist and then Harry and Draco. That being said, if you see any of my comments under her chapters... no you do NOT.

Anyway, the bitch want clout.

I'm glad we understand each other. Have a nice one!


"Are you okay?" Matteo asked when we got back out in the waiting room. It was just him and I, the audience that their own waiting room so luckily I didn't have to be in the same room as my mother right now.

"He's gonna give her full custody, isn't he?" I asked. "He helped her once before. He's going to help her again."

"You don't know that." He said. "Neither of us does. Maybe he recognises that you shouldn't be with someone you can't trust."

I sat down in the sofa in the room and hid my face in my hands.

"But I meant— are you okay after what Ted said?"

I wiped my my teary eyes before I looked up at my older brother. He pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose before folding his arms.

"He called me a whore." I shrugged. "He's never said that before. I-I'm not a whore. I've only ever been with two people."

"No one thinks you are one." He assured me. "Ted is just being Ted. He was the exact same back then."

"He's never talked to me like— that." I said. Matteo watched me for a moment before he walked over to sit down next to me. "Matteo, what did he mean when he said he should've deleted my boyfriend from my mind like he deleted you and Ezra?"

Matteo turned his head and looked at me with a slight frown, then he sighed.

"Did he mess with my mind?" I asked. "Obliviate me?"

"I honestly don't know." He told me. "But there're specific things you should remember from only two years ago, so the signs point to yes."

Fucking Ted Pegas.

"The minister has made his decision." It suddenly came from one of the employees who had entered the waiting room. We both looked up at him as he walked out again, letting the door close.


"Are you ready to go out there?" Matteo asked and looked at me. "I'm sure it'll go okay."

"I hope." I breathed. We stood up and he led the way out into the court. My mother was crying again, she looked really upset and when I looked at my friends, Melba looked angry, glaring towards her.

What had happened in the audience's waiting room?

Matteo and I sat back in the chairs in the middle of the room, me with my arms folded and Matteo with his hands on his thighs. He looked formal in the way he sat while wearing that suit.

In this short period of time that I had known him and Ezra, I had learned they were very different just by the way they were dressing.

Matteo always looked cleaner, clean cut hair and nice smooth clothes. Ezra on the other hand looked a little less trimmed. His beard was showing at all times, his hair was messier and the two times I'd seen him, he wore sweatpants and a hoodie.

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