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"Jules, Jules, Jules, Jules!" I looked up at the sound of Seth, watching him rush over. He got shushed by the librarian but he ignored it and leaned on the table, a hand on my textbook.

"What are you doing?" I asked, looking down at his hand. "Remove your hand."

"Come with me." He whispered before he gathered my books and closed them. He proceeded to grab my bag and pushed the books into them before he swung it over his shoulder while moving behind me. He grabbed both of my wrists, guiding me out of my chair before he just grabbed one of my hands and started guiding me out of the library.

"What're you doing, Seth?" I asked. "Where're we going?"

"Fred and Angelina are fighting. You need to hear this."

"Merlin's beard." I sighed. "Seth, I really don't want to—"

"Oh shush! Yes you do!"

He kept a fast pace, meaning I had to try and keep up the same pace which was exhausting as his legs were slightly longer than mine.

Seth pushed the door open to an empty corridor and the faint voices of Fred and Angelina hit my ears. He guided the both of us behind a wall with me pressed against the wall and him with a hand clamped over my mouth due to my heavy breathing.

"Would you just give me a fucking break!" Fred's voice rang through the corridor. "You slept with him!"

"And it was fucking good!" She replied. "Why are you getting so riled up! We never agreed to be exclusive!"

"We never agreed to be inclusive either!" He yelled. "This is unbelievable."

"What? That you're getting the exact same medicine as Pegas got when you were with her?"

"Don't bring her into this!" He yelled even louder. "But yeah. You're right. I cheated on Julie which was a big mistake. A mistake I will hate myself for, for the rest of my life and now I know what it feels like. She was right. Karma's a bitch."

Wait... Angelina cheated on him? Well isn't that ironic.

"You still love her, don't you?" Angelina asked and then the corridor went silent for a moment. "Well, isn't that just too bad? She doesn't love you, Freddie. She finds you disgusting. Yeah, I heard her when she found out about us. She thinks you're a disgusting piece of shit so good luck with that."

Then footsteps approached and Angelina left, luckily without seeing us against the wall to her side. Then Fred reached the door as well but as he pulled it open, he stopped and a frown appeared on his face as he turned his head and saw us.

His eyes first landed on me, then moved to Seth who had me pressed against the wall with a hand over my mouth and a knee next to my thigh, holding me in place. Then he looked back to me and let out a snicker as he fully walked out of the door.

Seth looked at me and stepped back, his hand dropping from my mouth. "That was awkward."

"Oh fuck." I cursed and ran my hands up over my face and into my hair. "He totally thought we were here to fuck."

Seth laughed as he backed up against the opposite wall and crossed his arms over his chest. "Why do you care if that's what he thinks? You're broken up."

"I don't care." I scoffed. "He can think what we want. I just don't want him to–"

"To what? Hate you?" Seth raised his eyebrows, an amusing grin on his face. "Like you hate him?"

His Hufflepuff ; Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now