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Posting the last 3 chapters 96-98 so I hope you like them.


October 25th of 1997

Three months.

That's how long my friends have been missing for. I still don't remember what happened that one day where Fred and George told me I had been to see my friends.

Though the healer said that memory problems was an issue with some pregnancies, though she has never seen it be so bad that you forget almost an entire day.

I'm twenty-one weeks pregnant, having a boy. Fred had agreed to naming him Nick, but we're still working on a middle name. I'm not due until March 4th, so we've got loads of time.

Walking around everyday, not knowing what the fuck happened to my friends, was a nightmare. Though I tried to keep myself occupied by helping the twins around the shop. I think they mostly let me help because they knew I needed a distraction and if I stressed and worried too much, there was a chance I'd end up miscarrying.

Miscarrying would be the last thing I'd want.

I love my unborn baby Nick. He's always kicking, especially at night. He's an active one and some nights, Fred and I bicker about what quidditch position he'd play.

I say chaser just like me, but Fred says beater and George is backing him up because he too was a beater.

I swear, if this baby boy doesn't become a chaser like his mummy, I don't know what I'll do.

Right now I was showing Fred how to put together a crib with tools and no magic. It takes longer time, meaning I have something to focus on now that it's Saturday and the shop is closed.

At night, that's when I feel the worst about my friends being missing. That's when I think about it the most and that's when I cry the most.

It's mostly after Fred has fallen asleep because I don't want to worry him with how I cry every night because of my friends being gone.

It was constantly in the daily prophet. Their pictures was in it and it was always the same. 'Contact this and that person if you know anything', stuff like that. It also says that Nate is wanted for murder. They haven't found a body, but apparently Adrian Pucey went missing the night to Sunday when my friends went missing too.

I refuse to believe that Nate killed him, though that would be much better than Pucey having stolen Nate's wand and used to kill him. I'd rather Nate killed than him being killed.

"Give me that." I told Fred when he was screwing the screw in the wrong way. He pouted as he handed over the screwdriver. "You have to do it this way, love."

"Well how am I supposed to know that?" He protested, watching me do it. "It's Muggle stuff."

"And I basically lived like a Muggle before I went to Hogwarts." I said. "So much for a dad who decided to put the wizarding world behind him."

October 26th of 1997

"Oh fuck." I cursed when I hit my toe on the corner of the coffee table. George who stood in the kitchen, turned to look at me with a questioning look.

"Are you okay?"

"That hurt." I said in a high-pitched and painful tone as I halted my way into the kitchen. "Fuck."

"What happened?"

"Stubbed my toe."

"Ouch." He hissed slightly and looked at me before offering me a piece of the pear he had been cutting. I took it and thanked him silently before eating it.

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