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Seth and I had to explain to our friends that we only kissed to make Fred jealous. To make him feel what I felt when I saw him with Angelina. First they didn't believe us, but then they did. Practice ended at ten pm that night, lasting two hours like usual when we had practice on weekdays. Next practice would be on Saturday, all the way from after breakfast to lunch and then again from after lunch to dinner.

After practice, I got some stuff from my dormitory, then took a bath in the prefect bathroom. I slept well that night. The next morning, Hannah Abbott and Susan Bones got ready before Melba, Callie and I so when we got ready, we had the room for ourselves, which meant we acted like we always did. We danced around the room as we sang this song that we all funnily enough had stuck in our brains.

When we left our dorm and entered the common room, Seth sat on the back of the sofa while Nate was lying in a chair, legs over the back of it and Nick was explaining something, making wild hand gestures.

"Good morning." I smiled widely as I made my way over and jumped up to sit next to Seth. He looked at me with a faint smile.

"Morning. You're in a good mood. 'Cause I'm a great kisser, am I right?"

"No." I chuckled. "I mean, you're not bad but... no."

"Not bad." he scoffed. "I'm gonna act like you didn't just damage my ego."

"Can we go now?" Melba pouted. "I'm really hungry."

"Me too." Callie said while Nate gut up from the chair and wrapped his arms around her waist, placing his chin on her shoulder. "I'm basically starving."

When we walked up from the Hufflepuff basement, we continued up to the ground floor along with some Slytherins who came from the Slytherin dungeon. Callie and Nate were holding hands, fingers intertwined and I found myself once again, wishing Fred and I were still together, that he hadn't cheated and that I had him to hold hands with.

Melba probably saw how I looked at their intertwined hands, 'cause suddenly she grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers.

"You know what?" She asked as she looked at me. "It's Fred's loss, really."

"Then why does out feel like it's my loss?" I asked. "Am I not supposed to hate him?"

"No." she shook her head. "You're supposed to feel whatever you are feeling. It's alright to miss him, to still love him. After all, he's your first love and you were together for nineteen months."

"Nineteen long and amazing months." I breathed and Melba chuckled softly.

"Fucking dykes!" a voice shouted from somewhere in the hallway. Melba and I automatically let go of each other's hands as we turned around to see Adrian Pucey walk towards us.

"What did you say?" Nate asked and let go of Callie to step towards Pucey. "Say it again? I didn't hear you."

"Oh, you didn't hear me?" Pucey pressed before he looked towards Melba and I. "Dykes."

"Nate!" Melba shouted when he grabbed onto the collar of Pucey's shirt to pull him up to his own level.

"You know, isn't it crazy that two girls can hold hands without being called a slur?" Nate asked. "And isn't it crazy that you feel the need to comment on someone's sexuality even though it's got nothing to do with you?"

"Nate, just let go of him." Melba sighed as she stepped closer to him. "It's fine. I'm used to it."

"That doesn't make it okay." I spoke. "You shouldn't have to be used to something like that."

His Hufflepuff ; Fred WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now