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I sat on the sofa playing my video game with my friends online, 

"Sam?" Y/n calls from the kitchen 

"Sorry guys, back in a mo" I told them before I puased my game putting my headphones and mic on the sofa as I got up and headed over to the kitchen "Hey? what's up?" I asked her leaning on the doorframe, I couldn't help but feel all bubbly when I saw her stood in her wait high leggings and her long shirt dress, her hair up in a little bun, not a single bit of make up on her face, in her little fluffy narwhal slippers, holding her baby bump 

"I can't reach the cheese balls" she says pointing to the top of the cupboards "could you get them for me Sam"

"what's the magic word?"

"Please" she smiled 

"of course I will" I smiled getting them down for her and giving her baby bump  a little kiss "How's she doing?"

"fine, Hungry for cheese balls" she smiled taking the box and going off to the bedroom I laughed getting myself a drink and going back to my game 

"Hey guys I'm back"

"where did you go?" Luke asks though the headset

"Y/n needed me a minuet" I told them 

"Oooooohhh did she? Bow chicka wow wow!" Mark laughed at me 

"Oh shut up mark" I sighed 

"You're the one with a preggo girlfriend" Luke smirked

"Yes which means sorry guys but I have to put the game down very once and a while to take care of her" I explained "she's not allowed to do a lot anymore"

"How far along is she now Sam?" Kim voiced up

"Six months" I answered as I focused on the game

"Ohh is she like getting a massive tummy?" Mark laughed 

"she's just as beautiful if not more. she has a wonderful pregnancy glow," I explain "Not that you guys will ever know what that's like you little virgins" I laughed "you will never feel the pride of having got a girl pregnant, never feel the joyful feeling your baby kicking in a tummy, watching a tummy grow... its something that is indescribably beautiful" I smiled 

"Awww that's sweet Sam" y/n smiled as she stood in the doorway of our bedroom eating from the box "Love you" she smiled

"Love you too" I told her blowing her a kiss 

"Ohhhhhh love you too sam!" the boys smirked 

"Shut up all of you" I sighed "I'm going I've got stuff to do" I sighed turning the game off and putting it all away "Hi honey" I smiled 

"Hi sam, Can we have a cuddle?" she asks

"What's the magic word?" I asked

"Please sam" she begs

"Alright, come on" I smiled turning the light off and taking her to bed leaning against the headboard as she rested her head on my chest still eating her snacks and every time she crunched up her snacks her tummy shifted where the baby kicked "You never used to like those?"

"Pregnancy cravings, being Prego messes with your taste buds and senses" she says "I used to love digestive biscuits. Now they make me feel like throwing up"

"You wouldn't like a digestive biscuit?" 

"No" she says

"would you like a custard cream?" I asked her

"No thank you Sam" she smiled 

"Okay, You want a little cuddle" I asked and she nodded so I wrapped my arms around her tightly giving her a cosy little cuddle kissing her head and gently stoking her baby bump "There baby quiet down now daddy's giving her a cuddle?"

"Ummm" she nodded nuzzling closer 

"Come on then my sweet girls, get comfy. I can stay here all night" I told her 

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