Every Morning

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I smiled as snug as possible, The sweet soft covers around my body. The Scent of roses coming from the covers, the gentle warmth of the sun coming around the curtains as well as the gentle warmth from the salt lamp on my bedside table. I heard the loud beeping of the alarm on the other side of the bed. I didn't think about it, I just did my best to stay cosy in the covers keeping myself warm and toasty.

"Ugmmmmmm" Sam groaned turning over and turning off the alarm clock on his side of the bed. I smiled a little enjoying the return of the quiet for another couple of minutes. Suddenly he jumped sitting up in the bed in a mad panic "I'M LATE FOR SCHOOL!" He yelled in shock

"You're in your thirties Sam" I giggled

"Oh. Oh yeah," he yawns laying back down in the bed wrapping himself up with the duvet,

I just giggled waiting for the inevitable moment when

"FUCK! I'm a teacher!" He yelped jumping out of bed and grabbing his clothes for the day, 

"Every Morning" I smiled grabbing his pillow and cuddling it tightly watching him panic trying to get his clothes on, 

"I'll grab my lunch on the way, Love you. Have a good day" He says giving my head a kiss

"Have a nice day Sam" I smiled giving him a kiss too "Have a nice day." 

"I will. I'll see you later darling" He says going off to work

I smiled and again waited as I heard him hurrying down the stairs and out the front door locking it behind him. Until he unlocked the door, and ran back up the stairs and into the bedroom


"phone" I smiled unplugging his phone and handing it to him

"Thank you. I love you so much"

"I love you too" I smiled 

Sam ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now