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I sat doing my puzzle in bed when Sam made his way around the door "hi"


"So... I may have, brought something?"

"May you have?" I glared

"You don't have to try it if you don't want to, but I was there restocking our condoms anyway and it was in sale. In your size so... I got you a little present"

"A present?"

"As I said no pressure if you don't want to try it I understand, if you try it and aren't into it we'll send it back but... would you be willing to give it a try?"

"Depends Sam, what is it?"

"It's...this" he says revealing himself and the item he had in hand it was tiny I was honestly sure what it even was

"And that is?"

"A dress"

"A dress? You sure it's my size?"

"Yes I double checked" he says bringing it over and sitting in the bed "I know we've talked about alot of our .. kinks. But this one is something I haven't really told you about, as I said no pressure but I would really love to see you in this" he says I took the little dress and immediately realised why it looked so small it was latex. A black metallic latex body con dress. "I'd love to see you in, only this"

"Just this?"


"Well... alright"


"One moment" I smiled taking the dress to the bathroom for a moment I wasn't sure how to approach this but I slipped off my nightie leaving me naked and carefully slipped into it. It was extremely body hugging but I think that's kinda the point with latex. The bottom hem sat at my knees and hugged my legs so tightly it was kinda forcing my legs together, the dress hugged me so close it left nothing to the imagination with a silver metallic band around the centre and elbow length sleeves, you really could see everything which immediately triggered me to want our of it not liking being faced with my body but I wanted to try it for Sam. I fixed my hair and added a black lipstick to fit the general theme even grabbing my black heels from the radiation where I left them two weeks ago to dry from going out in the rain. I knocked on the bathroom door to give him a moment

"Okay" he calls so I came out and saw he sat on the bed his feet bouncing as he covered his eyes I closed the bathroom door stepping over and doing my best... sexy pose for him giving his hair a little pet which was his cue to finally look at me.

He looked like he might have exploded. His eyes wide, his jaw dropped, I could see him get hard in his shorts, his face has that reaction you imagine when a teenage boy first discovers playboy. And his words kinda fit that idea

"Whoa mama! Holy - ohh my god" he muttered "let me look at you" he Cooes "oohhhh my god ... ummmm babydoll! You look so good"

"I do?"

'ohh you do! Umm come here" he smirked pulling me to stand between his legs "holy mother of god look at you! Ummm your tits, your nipples, your hips, your pussy, your fucking ass!" He muttered his hands stroking my body over the latex especially my hips and breasts "turn around for me?" He asks so I turned and he lost it "ohhhh fuck! Babydoll look at you, your so juicy!" He smirked slapping my ass "ummm fuck" he groans turning me back to him kissing my stomach, my hips anything he could get at stroking all over me

"You like how I look?"

"Ummm how you looks already made me cum babydoll, fuck-" he groans getting to his feet pulling us so barely an inch of us was apart grabbing my ass hard and kissing my breasts "let me raw you please baby doll"

"Alright so long as you pull out'

"I promise!' He says slightly biting around my nipple

"Hey! Don't go crazy now"

"But you look so good, I've waited my whole life to get to stroke and see a body in latex and a body like yours ummm I just wanna make you mine!"

"Really? My body?"

"You don't see it the way I do believe me babydoll this is beyond anything I could have imagined" he growled throwing me on our bed on my stomach he grabbed my ass hard pulling the dress up and without hesitation slipping himself inside "uuuuuuuhhh! Yes! Yes! Ohh fuck I'm not gonna last long! Ummm my little latex princess I need your body" he groans rubbing on my clit mercilessly as he pounded my pussy like a creature possessed I admit I bit the pillow trying not to scream as he worked so hard I'd never known Sam to be like this always so slow and sensual but he had gone utterly mad and I rather liked it his hands often exploring me as he worked until I hit my wall of pleasure squealing as it rushed through me he pulled out and flipped me over to face him

"Hi Sam" I smiled between breaths

"Hi my little latex princess, now let me ravish you" he growled biting my neck as he slipped back inside moving faster and harder then I'd ever felt better causing me to arch my back from the pleasure his hands grabbed my breasts stroking and fondling them playing with my nipples thought the latex until he quickly pulled out his cum sputtering across my stomach before he collapsed down beside me.

I got a little concerned as Sam didn't move for almost five minutes so I spoke up

"Happy Sammy?"

"Ummmm very happy babydoll" he gasps "thank you very very much"

"For what wearing a dress?"

"For letting me live out my fantasies. I've had that one a long time. You think maybe we can... keep the dress?" He asks stroking my body again

"For special occasions"

"Yes! And maybe if I bought you... a jumpsuit?"

"A skin tight latex jumpsuit?'

"Ummm hummm I think my babydoll would look good" he growled "especially if I bought a size smaller to make it extra tight on that juicy ass and those perk tits"

"I'll think about it" I smiled giving him a little kiss "now I'm going to put my nightie on"

"Ohh babydoll!" He whines "can't you wear it just... a little longer for me?" He pleads

"No, you can have more next date night if your good" I told him going towards the bathroom but he grabbed me and forced me down on the bed hovering over me as he stroked down my body

"I wasn't asking my little latex princess. Open your legs. Now. I wanna eat that pretty pussy a while" 

Sam ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now