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I woke up rather gently to the sight I now know rather well, my little flat, the one bedroom flat high above busy dirty old London our door open a crack to let air thought filled still with boxes and bags where things were still to be unpacked and put in there places, picture frames Still on the floor near where we wanted them, the kitchen unpacked to the extent of one set of dishes and two mugs unpacked that we where just Washing and using over and over I smiled so snug and warm in the cosy bed arms around me tightly and the form of a skinny boy behind me he sturred slightly in his sleep before I noticed his hands they had been on my waist and holding my hand since we went to bed last night however now I felt them across my skin caressing my ever curve, his structured hands stroking my skin, the rough finger tips gently tickling me in little ways as he kissed up and down my neck his stubble gently tickling me in that little way he knows I like, his soft lips pressing across my skin, his hard morning wood pressed tight between my thighs very nearly fucking my thighs his grip to tightened on my hip and on my breast slipping under my nightie to do so

"Sam... what are you doing?" I asked

"Nothing Darling..." he whispered moving his other hand so both groped my soft breasts "UUmmm.." he groans in my ear

"Sam what are you doing?" I laughed but he didn't respond to busy with his work as his hand slipped down to grab my arse

"Uhhh... Five more minutes you beautiful temptress" he whispered in my ear before kissing my cheek grinding my arse against his hips gently pleasuring himself with my thighs

"Sam stop it we need to get up" I laughed and he groaned a little annoyed at me

"Uuummm... I'm so hard for you right now darling" he groans I couldn't help but innocently giggle when he told me that Sam never says things like that I gently moved my thighs gently tightening on him "Uhhh!! You like that Hu? Knowing how hard I am for you darling" he smirked slapping my arse "how hard sleeping beside you makes me? How good you feel against me? How close your beautiful breasts and perfect pussy make me?" He smirked between kisses down my shoulder and arm "you gonna let me inside this morning?" He smirked moving his hand that was on my arse to play with my clit sending sweet bubbles of pleasure across my body "or do I have to beg?" He pleads

"No Sam we have a busy day-" I began

"Yeah very busy, busy getting fucked if I have anything to do about it" he growled

"We have to do laundry" I argue

"We won't wear clothes if we're fucking"

"We need shopping, for food Sam" I laughed

"I'll just eat that pretty pussy I like so much, and I'm sure I could find something for you so suck on a while?" He smirked still groping and squeezing anything he could get at

"Your step dads visiting today" I remind

"He can wait till I'm done with you" he smirked

"We're almost out of condoms" I remind

"Fine" he sighed pulling away getting out of bed and pulling a pair of loose dark blue sweat pants over himself tightening the drawstring at his hips or possibly his waist it's kinda hard to tell given his curves are well non existent, the sweatpants hugged him so closely his firm tight butt hugged snuggly and the buldge of his rock hard cock leaving nothing to the imagination as you could see everything base to tip everything of it revealed "oi!" He laughs "pay he a quid if you're gonna keep starring darling" he laughs leaning on the dresser and winking at me as he crossed his arms over his chest

"Fine" I giggled "can't I have my normal wake up?"

"No, you terff me outta bed when I wanted a snuggle your not getting your good morning today" he complained

"Ooohh but Sam" I whined acting all innocent the covers sliding off my body the straps of my nightie fallen down to my elbows, opening and closing my legs suggestively and innocently

"I'll give you yours if you give me mine?" He smirked

"Deal" I giggled going to sit on my knees at the end of our bed

"Yes!" he smiled standing at the foot of our bed and pushing down his sweatpants enough to reveal his hard dripping cock

"Love you" I smiled before licking a line on the underside of his cock from base to tip

"Uuuhh!!! Love you too darling' he gasped

"Sam? I have a question?' I giggled as I kissed up and down his shaft watching his face as he melted into the pleasure I gave

"Yeah? What's that y/n?" He groans desperate for me to keep going

"Me sucking your cock if your normal good morning then how is it also what puts you to sleep before bed? How can it put you to sleep and wake you up?' I giggled

"Don't ask questions sweetheart just suck" he smirked his hand grabbing my neck so he could fuck my mouth.

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