Trick Or Treat

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I hurried myself up and Into the small London flat using my spare key shutting the door behind me but I stopped short as I saw the place. Clothes are all over the floor trash is scattered around and the place is in a general state of disarray

"Oh god, Sam's been burgled"

"Humm?" A voice asks from the open bedroom door where a hungover Sam stands completely naked leant on the doorframe

"Afternoon," I said

"Ahh, that explains the light," he says rubbing his eyes "and the children screaming"

"It is Halloween sam, kids are trick or treating"

"Ohh, that explains it"

"What happened in here? Looks like they ransacked the place" I sighed trying to make my way across the flat


"The burglar"

"...I haven't had a burglary?"

"so...You live like this?" I asked

"Yeah" he shrugged

"You worry me Sam you do" I sighed


"Yes, Sam?"

"Quick question, is it cold in here or is it just me?"

"I mean you're not wearing any clothes so..."

"Oh, you could have mentioned I was naked"

"I assumed you knew"

"I wonder if that's why the lady across the way screamed when I opened my blinds?"

"I imagine so yes." I said as he headed into his room I assume for pants "You know it's probably shit like this that's the reason you've lost seven relationships in the last two months"

"No! Priya's parents forced her to fly home that wasn't my fault" he says emerging with... I believe a hand towel around his hips

"That it?"

"It's all I have clean"

"You don't even have a bath towel clean?"

"I have A bath towel, but I've been using it... for cleaning up"

"I don't wanna know, Didn't they force her to fly home because they found out you two were dating?"

"...yes. but that's not my fault"

"What about Lillian?"

"Lillian isn't my fault either"

"You killed her hamster"

"I was doing as instructed I gave him treats"

"Yes you have him a whole bag of treats which he tried to stuff in his cheeks and he choked to death"

"They should put on the labels how many you meant to feed them"

"They do. You ignored it. What happened with Sarah then?"

"Oh she broke up with me"


"...we fought"


"If a hot dog is a sandwich"


"I am passionate about things"


"And what?"

"Is a hot dog a sandwich Sam?"

'it's a taco"

"... yeah I guess,

"Now you wanna put some pants on while I tidy up before the trick-or-treaters come round?"

"Ahhh yeah good idea" He nods "How clean are we talking?"

"Use the clothes in the back of your you're wardrobe or the new clothes you bought when we went to Disney as I imagine you still haven't unpacked that suitcase"

"Ohhh yeah" He nods going to his room to get himself sorted I did my best to clean up the place but I was struggling to find the bags of Halloween candy I dropped off not two days ago. "Am I suitable?" He asked as he emerged in his jeans, hocus pocus shirt and orange plaid button-down

"Good enough" I chuckled "Sam?"


"What happened to the big bag of lollipops I dropped off?"

"Ooh uhh must be around here somewhere" He says

"What about the bag of fun-sized chocolate?"


"Sam, have you eaten all the Halloween candy?"


"What are you gonna give to trick-or-treaters then? you're dirty laundry?"

"I don't know"

"You called me over to help out with them, why would you call me if you ate all the candy?"

"I was kinda hoping we could just turn the porch light off lock the door and pretend we're not home"

"Then why did you call me?"

"I thought maybe we could cosy up and watch a spooky movie together?"

"Is this your weak attempt at asking for a date tonight?"


"Alright, You're paying for take away"

"Deal" he smirked 

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