Left Behind

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I stood my nerves getting the better of me, she's late.

I fiddled with my fingers, shuffled my feet, my heart racing with every second the clock ticked over.

She would never be late. It's just not like her. And today of all days, this of all things to do she... she wouldn't be late.

I tried to think of anything else, ignoring people getting restless and confused, family glaring at each other, I focused for a moment on y/n one of the bridesmaids, she had got done first so came to help me and the boys out as we needed a little assistance. Y/n has been Joanna's best friend for as long as I can remember, and we have grown to be very much best friends too, she always takes care of me. She was passing in her little pink dress trying to get hold of Joanna, the girls, anyone at all who could answer these questions.

Where was she? Why was she late? Why wasn't she answering?

I tried so hard not to imagine the answers, I feared the worst that something terrible had happened.

Maybe there was a fire in the hotel.

Maybe there was a break in and there being held hostage.

Maybe there is a gas leak in their room and they are knocked out.

Maybe they got into a car accident and someone's really hurt.

Maybe.... Maybe.... She's ran away.

No she wouldn't, we love each other, we've been in love since we were kids and haven't stopped talking about getting married for years . She wouldn't run off on me. Would she?

I watched it tick over, three hours. She's three hours late, what on earth is going on!

"Joanna?" I heard y/n ask my ears perked up as I heard it above all else "Joanna what's going on where are you?"

"Is she okay? Is she alright? What's going on?" I jumped up holding y/n's arm to ask she pushed Me off gently tapping my hand going to talk with her still passing, I didn't want to eavesdrop on what was being said but she often looked back to me, sadness across her face. Everyone got quiet trying to listen in

"You can't do this to him Joanna... it's not fair" she said

I didn't want to listen I didn't want to know what she was talking about but, my mind raced to conclusions all of them heart-breaking until she hung up the phone and came over slowly and sadly to me

"She's not coming... is she?"

"She's not sam" she answered

"That's okay, she just got cold feet and we'll go home and talk it though-"

"She's gone sam"

"Gone? What do you mean gone?"

"She's at the airport, at her gate. She's going back to los Angeles sam."

"W-without me?"

"Without you"

"She's- she's coming back soon... isn't she?"

"I'm sorry Sammy," she says, giving me a tight hug. I held y/n close in my arms trying to understand it all.

I had loved joanna since the moment I saw her, all the things I did for her, I learnt an instrument for her, I ran through an airport and almost got arrested for her, I spent life in video calls and late time zone texts for her even when my friends and family begged me to go out and spend time with other people, I saved myself for her as she asked me too, all these years, I sold my house for her, to move to los Angeles with her once we were married, I was willing to move halfway across the world, away from my friends, my family, everyone I had ever known just to be with her. And she just... up and left me, abandoned me at the altar without so much as a goodbye. I almost couldn't believe she had done this to me, like it was all some big joke and she'd come through those doors any second but I knew in y/n's face and in the way she spoke those awful words I knew it was true.

"Are you okay?" She asks

".... Yeah. I'm okay" I nodded "guess I'll just, go home then"

"Come on, I'll give you a hand with things" she smiled holding my hand

"Thanks y/n"

"No problem sam" she smiled

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