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I hummed my little tune to myself as I made our bed making sure to fold things nicely and leave things soft and inviting when I heard the front door and the crashing and cluttering of items.

"Good afternoon Sam" I giggled

"Hi honeybun" he smiled so I finished up and headed out to the rest of the flat seeing him cluttering around in the kitchen were I couldn't really see him "hey"

"Hey, How'd it go?"

"Pretty good, but I uhh I have something to tell you"

"What is it?" I asked a little worried

"Well I went to the doctor this afternoon"

"Oh? Finally brave enough to let them look at that weird thing on your leg"

"No. It's something else, something magical"

"Ohhh?" I asked a little worried

"Shut your eyes"

"Fine" I sighed closing them waiting a few moments hearing him move closer

"I have some great news my love, were pregnant!" He says

I quickly opened my eyes confused and he clearly had something hidden under his hoodie giving the illusion of a heavy pregnancy immediately I gave him a look

"Are we now?"

"Ummm hummm. We're going to have a lovely little baby" he Cooes stroking his hoodie "oww! He kicked me" he complained

"Sam, I'm very confused. Did you piss off a witch?"

"No but-" he began before a small bark came from his hoodie

"Sam what do you have under there?' I glared

He sheepishly pulled up his hoodie and out into his arms plopped a small very fluffy black puppy who barked at being set free his tongue hung out panting from the heat of Sam's hoodie "Our son" he says giving him a cuddle and a pet

"Our son?"

"Aren't you happy?'

"You got a dog without consulting me?"

"...yes but-"

"We don't even own this flat Sam"

"I know but-"

"You think either of us are responsible enough for another life form?"

"...butt" he says turning the puppy to show me it's wagging tail

"Sam. Be serious"

"I am. Luke had to pick up some food for him and Lisa's cat on the way home from practice so I said I'd go in with him you know. And I've been thinking for awhile about how awful I feel when we go touring and I'm away from you leaving you all alone for months on end, I know it makes you lonely and... given everything you haven't felt that safe lately. I was thinking of just getting you a hamster or maybe a little mouse to keep you company when I go away but this little guy was just so irresistible" he says cuddling the puppy"he was playing in that big pen they have with all the other pups and he was being such a sweetie he was sat looking at the door making sure to wag his tail at everyone who came in and out, I thought you'd like him"

"That's very sweet Sam" I smiled "but you really shouldn't make big decisions without telling me"

"I know. I'm sorry. I wanted to surprise you"

"Thank you Sam" I smiled giving him a kiss on the cheek and taking the little puppy from him for a cuddle he was ever so soft and sweet happy for cuddles and affection egar to give kisses "ummm hello little boy, hello. What's is name?"

"The pet shop called him Oreo"

"Ummm noo I think he should be called Cosmos"

"Awwww cosmos. I think that's a perfect name my love" he Cooes giving us both a cuddle "are you mad at me?"

"No, but for the first week your cleaning up the accidents till he's house trained" I told him

"That's fair" he sighed

"Come on then let's go fine cosmos some toys and tools" 

Sam ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now