Christmas Song

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I smiled as I sat on the sofas watching the news reports going on about the general Xmas news, all while I had my feet up on the coffee table looking at my laptop trying to figure everything out for the next few days trying desperately to plan.

"It's the most wonderful time of the year !!" I heard sung from our kitchen making me giggle as Sam was in the kitchen making pies, cookies, and various other things we needed to take to where we were visiting over the next days I giggled a little Listening to him

"With the kids fucking Yelling, And everyone telling you to have a good Beer It's the most wonderful time of the year" he sang

I giggled like crazy getting up and going to lean on the kitchen door frame watching him stand in his usual jeans and button-down, with a red and green apron around him as he baked.

"It's the crap-Crapiest season of all With those Unknown greetings and Non-stop eating, When friends being shitty and fucked It's the Crap-Crapiest season of all" he sang I giggled going back to the sofa to return to my computer

"It's cold as fuck, and I can't get drunk because somebody has to drive!" he sings making me giggle

"And I'm still kinda longing for that time when I was nine!" he sings "When family would visit and all bring me sweets, new toys and Bikes and then we all sit and watch charlie brown!"

"There'll be parties for Drinking

Marshmallows for - Burning" he says rather suddenly stopping his song "And I'm gonna keep singing because now I'm fucking panicking y/n can you please come help!!" He sang clearly very afraid

"what's the matter sam?" I asked

"I uhh may have left instructions to close to a burner, and Now there's a fire and I scared," he says somehow still in tune I jumped from my seat to see he had left some paper he was using to have his instructions on too close to the burner on the over and it was now on fire almost about to make the whole kitchen go up so I quickly threw a bowl of water on the fire putting it out, "Thank you Y/n"

"You're welcome" I smiled "I liked your song" I giggled nuzzling into his neck

"Thank you, I think it's a more honest Christmas song" He answered

"It is, Come on let's go watch Charlie brown and get drunk" I smiled

"I love you so much"

"I love you too, Sam," I smiled, giving him a kiss and taking him with me to the sofa. 

Sam ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now