Ice Cold

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I grabbed my case from the taxi jumping out onto the street, I paid and thanked him before I hurried myself inside the tall hotel, I passed the desk without a word and went to the lift pressing the button for the required floor. Once it stopped I got out and headed down the corridor until I found the door I'd been looking for knocking a good few times. I waited a little while before knocking again and on the second round the door opened.

He was leaning on the door, eyes barely open, hair a mess, wearing an old band tee and his blue shorts.

"Y/n!" He smiled excitedly pulling me into the tightest hug and dragging me inside the hotel room "ummmm my second favourite girl in the whole wide world"

"My god Sam how hungover are you?"

"I'm not hungover," he says heading into the room and I was taken back by the utter madness of the once cute hotel room now a messy upturned hell hole "If anything... I'm kinda, still drunk," he says taking a beer from the table

"Have housekeeping been by?"


"Oh thank god. I don't want to even imagine the meltdown if Joanna got the bill for all this"

"It's my wedding to you know" he pouts collapsing on the sofa

"Okay," I smiled setting my things down going over and wrapping my arms around his neck and shoulders "Come on, what's going on in that blonde noggin?"

"I'm getting married tomorrow"

"Yes, you are. It's perfectly natural to get cold feet, Sam. Especially given you're kinda drunk"

"'s nothing"

"You sure?"

"Yeah, come on we have stuff to do"

"Alright" I went and grabbed my case and began working, I had been best friends with Sam forever really, since we were tiny little kids mostly through the school band where of course he plaid drums and I plaid piano so we often were stuck up the back next to each other on the large unmovable bits of equipment we became very fast friends and had been close forever, I even had a crush on him at one point but he had always been head over heels for Joanna for as long as I could remember and after reconnecting a few months ago they were getting married. It had all been a bit rushed but it was still really sweet. Even if Joanna had been a bit controlling of things, kinda bridezilla is not gonna lie. But the wedding was on a tight budget so to minimize costs the girls were doing their own hair and make up all of them being very skilled in such things and as I did a lot of hair and makeup stuff for my photography job she asked if I could be in charge of making the boys look presentable which of course I agreed. So I was here today to prep the room and do a base sort of Sam ready to do him and his groomsmen tomorrow morning.

"You excited?" I asked as I sat working on his nails

"Course. Just... nervy is all"

"It's your wedding Sam it's fine to be nervous" I laughed "I take it the bachelor party was fun?" I asked glancing are the hotel room

"Ah. No. you know the rules. No penis no info. Bachelor party for boys only"

"Sam, I'm basically a boy."

"You don't have a penis"

"I have one in my bag then can I qualify?"

"What Joanna ask you to check up on me?"

"No, I'm just curious"

"It was fun. I had a good time"

"That's good, that's the whole point"

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