Where am I being wheeled?

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I poked my head through the door to the living room, the lights on fairly low, Sam sat at his PC set up his controller in hand, his headset on, his PC lit up with sweet rainbow colours. He was talking with his friends as he was playing his game. So I snuck over until I stood behind him and wrapped my arms around his neck

"ahhh! Ohh holy fuck! you almost made me piss myself y/n" He complained when I made him jump 

"Hi Sam"

"Hi Honey" He smiled giving me a little kiss

"What are you up to?"

"Not much we just finished a dungeon and we're waiting for some more people to join for the next big dungeon" 

"Do you have a moment?"

"Yeah I do" he smiled "What is it?"

I giggled holding his chair and slowly pulling him away from the computer 

"Oh, I'm being wheeled. Where am I going?" He asked "Where am I going? why won't you tell me? Where am I being wheeled!" He complained "Guys! I'm being wheeled away! and she won't tell me where I'm going! Noooo nooooooo!" He complained into the mic on his headset "Where am I being wheeled! why won't you tell me!" as we reached the bedroom I shut the door "ahhhhh what are you going to do to me?" he whined 

I giggled and gave his lips a sweet kiss before I moved to my knees tugging down his grey sweatpants to his knees, I giggled and took his shaft into my hand rubbing it softly until he hardened into my hand and as soon as he got hard I took him into my mouth sucking hard and fast 

"Uhhhh uughhhhh" He groaned against his chair his hand moving to settle in my hair knotting his fingers around the strands of my hair "Ughhh fuck! Ohh my god-" 

"Everything okay man? you need help?" His friends asked through the headphones

"No no, I'm fine. You uhh you guys go do the dungeon without me" He smirked turning his headphones and mic off quickly and throwing them to the side but I moved back "Nooooo y/n!" He whined 

"Didn't you want to go play your game?" I asked 

"My game can wait" he smirked pulling me into his lap "My game can wait as long as you want my darling" he smirked tugging me close. 

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