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I stood working on making some delicious Victoria sponge cupcakes humming my song as I often snacked and stroked my stomach. I heard the office door open and Sam hurried into the kitchen giving my cheek a kiss and then my stomach "you wanna hear the gossip?"

"Make me a tea and start spilling" I told him he smiled and made us each a cup of tea

"Arthur's aunt got a speeding ticket" he says

"Ooooohhh" I giggled "she going to prison"

"Not just a course"

"But isn't this like her eighth ticket?"

"True. Ohh she might be in bigger trouble then"

"More gossip!"

"Okay Dan's little sister got suspended"

"Ooooohhh for what?"

"Biting a teacher"




"It was a math teacher."

"Ahhh say no more" I nodded "oooop" I giggled as I felt my story jolt

"Awww right now?"

"Umm humm" I nodded stroking my stomach

"Can I touch?"

"Of course Sam" I smiled leaning on the counter and he happily came and cradled my stomach feeling our baby kick

"Awwww hello little one, having a kick and a stretch. Good you have a nice big strech strech those baby legs"

"Easy for you to say it's not your stomach he's stretching out" I laughed "more gossip tell me"

"Okay, mark came home from Japan with a STI"

"...Why does that not surprise me?"

"Because it's mark and he's a perv. And he went to a country with sex hotels and tenticale Henti I'm surprised an sti is all he came home with"

"Did he get me the stuff I asked for?"

"Yes it's at his a whole bunch of Japan exclusive sanrio cinnamonroll stuff for baby"

"Good" I smiled "any more?"

"Oh yeah Peter and Sally are engaged"

"Engaged! That was fast?'

"I know. They've only been dating two months"

"Two months. You can't get married after two months you don't know each other yet your still hiding your true self" I explained

"I think there mad, you can't get engaged so soon"

"...I mean. You did turn up drunk the night after our third date and tried to propose on the doorstep with a haribo ring?" I remain him

"Because I knew you were my soulmate" he Cooes giving me a kiss

"Cute. But I still think they should wait a while I told you no for s year and a half"

"You did but I finally snagged you" he smiled cuddling me "and now your my beautiful wife and mother to our wonderful child"

"Your sweet sam." I giggled "I'm gonna guess she's preggo"

"Yeah I think so too. Well have to wait and see" 

Sam ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now