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I headed into the living room from the kitchen with my snacks planting myself down on the sofa bedside Sam as he sat playing his video game, 

"You winning?" I asked,

"Course I am." He smirked,

"Okay don't need to get cocky."

"Hard not to be," When he finished the game showing his odds on the screen, "I haven't lost a game for over a week," 

"Okay fancy pants," I laughed setting my snacks down, "I'll give you a game," I said grabbing the other controller, 

"Really? alright prepare to lose."

"What do I get if I win?"

"what do you get?"

"Yeah, what do I win Sam?"

"Uhh I don't know what do you want?"

"... let me wax your upper lip."



"NO way!"

"If you always win you have nothing to worry about."

"Fine." he pouts, "But WHEN I win. You have to let me squeeze and motorboat your boobs for at least five whole minutes."



"Fine." I rolled my eyes, 

We quickly started the game and I did my best to be quick, smart and soon enough.

"YES!" I jumped, "I WIN!"

"No, no no no rematch!"

"No, no rematch I win Sam."

"Fine... you win, but you are not waxing it."

"Yes, I am." 

"No your not."

"Try and stop me." I smirked, 

He quickly tried to bolt but I chased after him, the two of us running around our apartment I grabbed my scarf from the door and used it to grab his arm and tie him to the chair even if he protested trying to kick and scream, so I grabbed some tape and made sure he was defiantly not gonna move from the chair, 

"You can't do this! Y/n please! Please no!" he begged,

"You lost, I get to wax that was the deal."

"Yeah, I didn't think you'd win!"

"But I did." I smirked, "If I had lost you'd have mercilessly had your fun."

"I know but mine wouldn't have hurt you!"

"this won't hurt you," I smirked grabbing my wax and little wax machine letting it heat up on the table,

"You're gonna wax my face yet it will!"

"Ohh don't be a baby." I smiled kissing his forehead, as I prepped everything,

"No! No no no no y/n please. please I'm begging you. I will do anything. ANYTHING just please don't! Please it took me a year to grow this please!"

"Yes, and you look like a damn 70's porn star it's coming off!"

"Nooooooo please," He begged,

I smirked and prepped his face and slowly put the wax onto his face not just doing his upper lip but between his eyebrows, his sideburns and his chin too letting the wax set, "Don't squirm it'll hurt more." I told him, 

"Please no, please."

"It's already on Sam it has to come off somehow."

"put my face it hot water let it melt off."

"Nope," I smirked grabbing the strip between his eyebrows and ripping it off,


"Good boy nice and still Sam." I cooed pulling his chin off too,

"AAAAAAAAAhhh!" He screamed, "Please no more, no more!"

"Nope, we had a deal." I smiled ripping both his sideburns off at one time,


"Just one more."

"No. no no no no please. not my moustache please!"

"On three."

"Noo noo please y/n!"




"Please y/n! please."


"Noooooooooo I'm begging you!"

"Alright I won't," I cooed, 

"Really?" He gasped,

"Nope." I giggled ripping his whole upper lip and leaving it bare, 


"awwww see look how handsome you are now." I smiled giving him a sweet little kiss, 

"Will you let me go now?" he asked a little teary,

"I shall," I cooed letting him go completely and cuddling him,

"Can I have a reward... for being good?"

"You may have some boobs."

"Yay." He smiled rather tried and teary, 

"Good boy, come cuddle and I'll make you some tea." 

Sam ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now