I'm Home

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I sat on the sofa flicking though the tv channels trying to ignore the romcoms, the love island junk, the stupid romantic shows. usually I would adore to sit on this day and watch a nice lovely thing on the tv, or go out for dinner at a nice restaurant, or even go out for a nice drink but I wanted to avoid it all today. maybe I'll order in a take away for dinner later and have a bottle of wine. treat myself to some valentines chocolates tomorrow when they all go on sale. I didn't want to be involved with any of it this year. Sam was off touring with his band so I wasn't going to be able to see him until June at the earliest and there was no way I would be able to buy a plane ticket to go and visit him at whatever stop he is at this week.

I sighed and got my phone ordering a pizza for myself, I don't want to cook all alone tonight I ordered myself a pizza and put on some run of the mill action movie trying not to think about romance for a while. The doorbell rang so I sighed and went to go get my pizza but when opened the door I was in shock

"Hi honey" Sam smiled

"Sam?" I asked in shock seeing him stood with his stuff

"I'm Home" He smiled

"I thought you where pizza"

"Ohh... I'm sorry. That's a disappointment"

"Come here" I said already crying jumping into his arms, he smile widely hugging me tightly too my feet of the floor as he held me "I've missed you so much"

"I've missed you too" He says "so badly honey"

"What are you doing here?"

"I came home, just or a week. I couldn't not see you on valentines y/n"

"You didn't have to" I said "Won't your band get mad?"

"Trust me, there in Amsterdam with weed cafe's, a red light district and a literal chocolate factory two feet from there hotel. There fine for a week without me"

I let him in going to make him some tea as he put his stuff away

"Did you partake?" I asked

"Hu? Oh. Honey, I don't do drugs we know this"

"I didn't mean the cafe's"

"Ohh" He laughs coming and wrapping his arms around my waist "why would I wanna hang around a red light district when I have the most beautiful girl in the world at home?" He asks kissing my cheek

"Yeah but I was half a world away"

"So? I can still dream about you, no matter how far away you are" he cooes "and I have your nice pictures" he reminds "So? what do you wanna do?" He asks

"I don't care, I just wanna hold you, and kiss you till you go away again" I complain cuddling him tightly

"Okay, trust me. I don't want to ever let go of you either. and I won't until I have to go again" he says giving me a squeeze and a kiss as the doorbell rang

"Now that will be pizza"

"I shall fetch Pizza. you get cosy" He says going to the door so I finished our cups of tea and got to the sofa with the blanket as he returned with pizza putting it on the table slipping off his jacket and getting cosy with me under the blanket wrapping his arm around me tightly so my head was on his chest "I love you y/n"

"Love you to sam" I smiled giving him a kiss "I'm happy your home"

"There isn't anywhere else in the world I'd rather be then here with you honey" 

Sam ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now