Spa Day P1

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I smiled as I unpacked my shopping from today. Just then I heard my phone ringing so I grabbed my handbag and got my phone.

"Hello?" I asked

"Hi honeybug" He smiled

"Awww Hi sammy, what's up?"

"I just wanted to call, see what you where up to"

"Well I just got back from the store"

"That's great"

"What are you up to?"

"Nothing, trying to see if there is anything on the Tv. Are uhh Are you gonna be home?"

"Why?" I asked

"I just thought maybe I could come and hang out with you tonight"

"Oh, well I didn't expect you. I was going to have a little spa night"

"Spa night? That sounds fun" He says "May I... join in?"

"Join in?" I giggled

"Can I come and also participate in spa day?"

"You can if you want sam" I giggled

"I would like to. If I can."

"Of course you can sam, I'll wait for you then"

"You want me to get anything? On the way?" he asks

"No it's okay,"

"You sure? No wine? No pizza? No fried chicken?"

"Nope I'm all good." I giggled

"Alright I'll see you soon honeybug"

"See you soon Sam" I smiled before hanging up

I sat on my sofa excited for my little spa evening I heard the struggling little car pull up and soon enough a knock on my door

"It's open sam" I smiled he happily came in and shut the door behind him coming and leaning on my wall

"Hello bugaboo"

"Hi sam" I giggled "hugs?"

"Of course my sweet honeybug can have a hug" he smiled coming over and giving me the tightest hug "ummmmm I've missed you bugaboo" he cooes

"Awww I've missed you to sam" I giggled "so? Spa?"

"I am hyped for spa. What do we do first?"

"A bath"

"A bath? Together?"


"Yes!" He smirked dumping his stuff and almost bolting up my staircase jumping around like a child "bath with my sexy girlfriend!" He giggled to himself "can we have bubbles?"

"Yes sam we can have bubbles" I laughed as I got up to the bathroom too.

I got up to the bathroom and began running a nice toasty bath, "what do you wanna do your hair with?' I asked

"Uhhh soap?"

"What smell you dummy?"

"Oh. I have options?"

"Yes sam you have options" I smiled

"Ooohhh," he says giving each shampoo a sniff "I wish to smell like an orange" he says holding the bottle

"Would your like your body to also smell like an orange?"

"Wait I can combine smells! Ooohh I'm gonna smell so good" he smirked digging thought my various stuff "ok! My head shall smell of Orange's and my body shall smell of ...what is this called? Earthy walks. I don't know smells like nature"

"Okay? So nature and orange?"

"Like going thought a walk in nature and sitting down in the woods to eat an orange" he explained

"Okay Sammy, you wanna pick a bath bomb?"

"Yes! I wanna pick a bath bomb"

"Okay just not the intergalactic, damn thing makes me glittery for weeks"

"But we could bathe in universe?"

"Pick another one sam"

"Fine." He sighed going to choose "hehehe. Pandamonium. And it's got a panda"

"That's not a bath bomb Sammy that's a melt."

"Oh. Smells good though what to melts do?'

"They melt into the tub and make your skin smooth" I smiled turning off the water

"I wanna be smooth." He says putting that on the side by the bath "ooh. Lavender dreams, that sounds spa-ish"

"Okay Sammy" I giggled

"What are you gonna smell of?" He asks

"Strawberries" I smiled

"Oooohh. I should have picked that one. You will be so fruity bugaboo"

"Let's do spa!"

"Spa time! Ohh that means it's bath time"

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