Rock and roll

277 14 2

I smiled as I stood in the doorway to the old garage since now been turned into the music room, the room covered with blankets, tapestries, cushions, pizza boxes, old soda bottles, and the other various junk in here. My brothers band set up as usual all of them deep into there song but my eyes couldn't help but... Stare at him.
My brothers best friend and drummer sam.
He sat on his red stool, his white all star converses on with various red and blue scribbles all over them, black distressed skinny jeans that hugged his every curve, a belt around him but it was barely thought even one of the loops in his jeans, he had a long sleeve black shirt with the sleaves rolled up to his elbows, a slight red slightly purple  shirt over that with a faded old logo for some band or another, he had a bunch of fabric ties around his wrists from various gigs, festivals and other such things his drumsticks in his hands working hard to keep the song as it should be, his fluffy blonde hair going everywhere as it usually did until they finished up the song.
"What do you want?" My brother asked as he saw me there
"Just wanted to listen" I smiled
"Well scram" he said said so I nodded
"Oi! She might be your little sister doesn't mean you get to talk to her like she's a price a crap" sam spoke up
"Who are you my mother?"
"I should hope not, nobody on this planet is gonna wanna be squeezing out your fat head"
"You want me to shove those drumsticks up your ass sam?"
"Go for it danny, the world fucks me so hard everyday that you won't even need lube"
"Just fuck off y/n"
I nodded and went to the kitchen getting myself a drink i noticed not long after most of the band left all saying bye to me as they went so I returned to the garage door my brother was just leaving with his girlfriend undoubtedly going up to his room for the evening, so I peeked in and saw sam just putting his stuff away
"Hey" he smiled at me
"Don't worry about it, your brother is a great guitarist. Shame he's a cunt" he says
"He can be"
"Something you wanted?"
"I like your shirt"
"Thanks. I like your... Whole outfit actually you look great"
"Awww thank you" I blushed "I suppose you'll be off home now"
"No, Dan said I could stay the night. My step dad's gone on a cruise with his new girlfriend so I'll chill here no point going home"
"Okay, did you want anything? A pillow? A duvet? More blankets," I asked as he moved to the sofa
"No don't worry about me. I'll be fine"
"Did you want something to eat?"
"Uhhhh... Nah. But I'll take a can of coke I'd you have any"
"Sure" I smiled going and getting him one from the fridge
"Ahh your an angel" he says giving my cheek a kiss as he took it "go on go up to bed all be alright"
"Maybe I'll stay her a while longer of you don't mind"
"No no problem, but don't you wanna be up in your cosy room?"
"No Danny has lilly here, his bed backs onto my wall"
"Ahhh I see. Thats fair" he nods "well your welcome to bunk with me if you want" he smirked tapping the sofa beside him
"If you don't mind sam" I smiled going closer
"Not at all" he smirked taking my hand and pulling me to sit on his lap, I giggled instantly as he pulled me close stroking up my thigh and my ass "I'd quiet like a little groupie to keep me company" he smirked
"Would you now?"
"I would, maybe we could have a nice cosy little cuddle or maybe my little girly could get down on her knees and suck my hard cock, give me a little release"
"Would you like that?"
"I would. Or maybe something a little more... Penatrative if my little angel is open to it"
"I could be sam"
"Could you now? And what would my little angel like In return"
"A few kisses? And a reoccurring snuggle"
"Oh? Alright angel. Deal" he smirked

I smiled as I listened to the boys play, I headed to the garage door leaning on the doorway as I watched them finish up there song,
"What do you want y/n? Bugger off!" My brother yelled
"Ohh shut up" I giggled "I'm not here for you" I told him going over to Sam and holding his hand he happily took my hand and pulled my to sit on his lap
"Hello angel" he smirked giving me a kiss and holding me close to him, I happily hugged him too nuzzling into his neck "did you like the music?"
"Very much, but is it almost over?" I pouted
"Almost, then I'll come up and make your bed nice and cosy I promise angel, go on I'll be there in a bit" he smirked slapping my ass
"See you later" I smiled giving him a kiss and going back to my bedroom.

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