Best Woman P1

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 I sat as I often did on the little bench by the water not far from that new sci-fi bridge they built sipping my black and red snow globe cold brew cup filled with some nice cold brew coffee from the shop in Soho, watching the water. 

"Hello" I heard behind me and I rolled my eyes 

"Hello sam"

"Hello y/n,  hows stuff?" he asks coming and sitting beside me

"Fine sam, how's stuff with you?"

"Well... I have some news actually?" 

"Ohh? yeah?" I asked 

"Me and Johanna, Ae engaged!"

"Awwww sam that's amazing!" I smiled giving him a hug 

"I know it's amazing! we're gonna get married in six weeks"

"Six weeks! seriously?"

"we don't wanna wait"

"You do know? weddings take like years to plan, and book, and cost thousands of pounds?"

"I know but come on I've been in love with Johanna forever I don't wanna wait, if she'd let me I'd marry her tomorrow, at the court but she wants a big wedding" He explained

"Alright, I take it there is more to you meeting with me than just telling me you're engaged?"

"Well.... you did such a good job with helping to plan Mia's wedding?"

"you want my help to plan this wedding?"

"Yes please"


"Thank you y/n!" He smiled giving me a cuddle "and Uhhh just a tiny small little thing?"

"Oh? what tiny little small thing other than you getting married and me basically being an additional wedding planner"

"Well y/n you've been my best friend forever, and of course I want you to be a big part of our wedding"

"I'm not being a bridesmaid"

"I know, that was the plan but I know you haven't always been on the best terms with Johanna so.... I thought maybe you'd wanna be my... Best woman"

"Best woman?"

"Like a best man, but you'll get a cool dress or maybe a suit and you'll stand with me"

"Awww okay sam, that sounds lovely I'd love to"

I stood sipping my coffee a little annoyed, Johanna was here with all her bridesmaids and sam here too the girls all so happy and giggly looking at bridesmaid dresses 

"This is crazy and boring" I sighed

"I know, all these dresses all look the same" sam sighed 

"She puts me in pink I'll kill her"

"Hey, whatever the bridesmaids wear isn't gonna have anything to do with you, my best woman you will not wear the same as the bridesmaids" He laughs 

"Alright I just don't wanna look hideous and if she tries I don't care if she's your fiancee I am gonna kick a bitch" 

"I know, I wouldn't have it any other way y/n" 

"Yeah, I love your honesty,"

"Come on let's try some dresses!" The maid of honour giggled 

"Go on"

"Alright" I sighed rolling my eyes and going with them "But I'm taking my coffee" 

They handed me a dress and instantly I hated it but I put it on, it was huge, purple, with a bright red belt with matching gloves I sighed and went out to see sam and Johanna sat there 

"Awww I love it" she smiled 

"The purple is a nice colour, what do you think y/n?"


"Always" He smiled

"The gloves seem pointless, and purple and red is just insane it's a combination that should not exist, I'm wearing about sixteen Tudor girls worth of petticoats, and anyone, not six feet tall with nine-inch heels is gonna trip over this and go head first down the alise"

"I think it looks great" she smiled

"I think she's right," sam says "Besides she's the best woman she can't have the same dress as the girls?"

"But she has to fit the colour scheme?" 

"why not just purple? or just red?" I asked

"What about that nice purple one we saw out front?"

"Sam. No. it's... it's too dark it gonna be too much next to my wedding dress"

"It's the same colour as the bridesmaids though just a solid colour?" I pointed out

"Just no." she snaps 

"Okay" I sighed going back to change avoiding the other girls who adore the dress as I was changing sam came back to see me 

"Hi, I got that one I think if she see's it she'll agree with me." He says handing me the nice dress from the window

"Thanks, sam. seriously she puts me in that dress I will pour black ink on myself"

"I know. don't you worry I'll all be fine and you will not look hideous I promise" 

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