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"You sure you two will be okay?" I asked getting my handbag and fixing my skirt for work, I hated doing this but I didn't have much of a choice my landlord was fumigating the whole building so we had to be out for two weeks, and my usual daycare was closed today due to them having a massive pipe leak, I really didn't want to do this I felt awful but what choice did I really have? 

"We'll be fine won't we munchkin" Sam smiled as little Ivy ran over to him still in her PJ of course and he happily picked her up sitting her on his hip

"You sure it's not too much trouble-"

"Not your fault is it, you're already staying here and I don't have anything to do anyway. It's fine we'll have fun won't we little munchkin?" 

"Yeah!" she giggled 

"We'll be fine, don't worry about us"

"Okay well I'm just a phone call away"

"I know, but I'm sure I can handle it," he says "Go say bye-bye to your mummy," He tells her setting her down 

"Bye bye mummy" she smiled hugging my leg

"Bye-bye darling, you be good for Uncle Sam alright? I'll see you when I get home"

"I will I promise" She smiled before she ran off towards the spare room we were sleeping in 

"Any problems-"

"I know, Have a good day at work"

"Thanks, Sam" I smiled grabbing my keys and heading off to work for the day.

It had been a very long day one of those days where nothing quite goes the way you want it to I was home later than I wanted to be but such is the way some days. I headed inside seeing the place rather dark and quiet Sam got up from the sofa shutting the TV off as he came over "Hey, how was work?"

"Ughh don't" I sighed

"Sorry, dinner's in the microwave for you"

"Thanks, Sam" I smiled "How was Ivy?" I asked grabbing the plate from the microwave and taking a seat at the small table

"Aww, she's been a little angel,"

"Oh? What did you do then?"

"Well we went to the park she had a nice play on the swings for a while, then we went to the museum and learnt about dinosaur bones and whales,"

"Aww That's sweet Sam"

"If we're going to spend the day together she might as well learn something, and I may have treated her to a little present from the gift shop"

"You didn't have to do that"

"I know, but I like to treat her sometimes" 

"That's why she thinks you're fun Uncle Sam" 

"Five-pound admission and a ten-pound spend in a gift shop is a small price to pay for her to have some fun, and she gets to go back to daycare next week with lots of dinosaur facts" 

"How'd dinner go?"

"Very well she helped me cook and even did the drying up" 

"She's a good girl,"

"How was work?" 

"You know how it goes, paperwork, Luke being Luke" 

"I don't know why you don't quit that awful place"

"What else would I do Sam? I have to take care of Ivy somehow"

"...what if, you two came and stayed with me? on a more permanent basis?"

Sam ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now