Costume dress

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I hummed my little tune as I pushed my new fabric through the sewing machine

"Hey hun" Sam smiled as he headed inside throwing his keys on the side table and slipping his jacket off "How was your day my little honeybun?"

"Fine" I smiled "How was your day?"

"Fine" he shrugs heading over to give my head a kiss "New boys shit"

"Is he?"

"He's bloody awful gave me a headache" he complained heading to the kitchen to get some painkillers "what are you doing?"

"I'm working on something new"

"something new? Yeah? A new pretty dress"


"something spooky I take it?"

"Yep" I smiled as I finished up "Look!"

"Awwww that's beautiful" He smiled

"It's little sausage dogs. each with their own little Halloween costume"

"that is a cute fabric, It makes a beautiful dress" he smiled giving me a little kiss

"if you like I have some extra fabric I could make you a shirt?"

"You know what. Yeah I'd like a shirt"

"Ohh I also made little sausage a coat" I smiled "Little Sausage" I called as he had been asleep in his little bed and he happily ran over into my arms and I showed sam what I made him

"Oh goodness." he laughs taking him from me "what's mummy done to you?"

"I made him a hot dog for Halloween"

"I'm sorry little sausage. this is why I do my best not to leave you with mummy," he whispered

"Just for that. No shirt" I sighed taking the dog and going to the bedroom

"I'm sorry honey"

"Nope! if you don't like little sausages Halloween costumes you can go have fun on your own" 

Sam ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now