Pumpkin patch

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I sat on my doorstep in my little red and orange dress and my little black leatherette handbag, my knee high red and black socks and little black leatherette ankle boots waiting around in the autumn sun, with the harsh wind whisleing though, and I saw the little black car pull up in front of my house. 

"Hi Honey!" Sam smiled as he poped his head out the sunroof 

"Hi sam" I giggled getting up as he got out the car fixing his black jeans and  red plaid shirt with his brown piolets jacket "You look nice"

"You... You look beautiful" he smiled taking my hand and giving it a soft little kiss 

"Awww thank you Sam" I smiled "So where are we going today?" 

"That is a surprise honey" He smiled tugging me into his car, he smiled starting his car up again and driving us off somewhere else, I kept an eye on where we where going but I couldn't figure it out at all until we pulled up at a farm a little way out from home the place was overflowing with autumnal vibes, the tall trees covered in red and orange leaves, the leaves fallen to the ground making beautiful path ways of leaves, pumpkins everywhere, Spooky skeleton scarecrows at the entrence and children running around in Halloween costumes.
"Where are we?" I asked
"Pumpkin patch"
"Aren't we a little old for that Sam?" I asked "aren't pumpkin patches for like little little kids?"
"Yeah but there is no age limit on fun" he says "plus... I know you like getting cute pictures and won't this be adorable?" He suggested
"I guess your right" I laughed "so us coming here has nothing to do with the 'worlds longest scare house' over there?" I asked as he parked up and I noticed the huge barn sized building with those words on it and a giant skeleton stood watching over it with glowing eyes he blushed a little and fiddled with his jacket
"Sam, you know I'm bad at haunted houses I get too scared" I whine
"Awww it's okay honey, I'll be here to hold your hand" he smiled giving my hand a kiss
"But what if I get too scared"
"You won't y/n, I know you won't, these things are never that scary anyway" he explained
"You always say that, because your werid and can't get scared so while I'm  pissing myself with fear your just stood there emotionless asking the scary nurse if you can have a walk in appointment"
"I like talking to them it's funny" he shrugs "y/n, if you really don't want to go in the scare maze then that's fine we can go take cute fall pictures and then go get kfc if that's what you want but come on let's do something spooky for Halloween"
"Okay, but if I get to scared we go get fried chicken"
"Deal honey" he smiled kissing my hand.

We slowly walked thought the spooky haunted house Evey so often sounds and effects I held onto sam's arm and hand inna vice like grip trying desperately to hold onto him in fear
"Aaahhhh!" A man yelled as he jumped out with a bloody rusty chainsaw
"AAAAHHH!" I screamed
"Hello, I think you need to oil your chainsaw dude" Sam says not even moving to react at all
"I'll...oil it with your blood!" The man yelled
"That doesn't seem like it would help"
"Just... Just go" the man sighed returning to the place he jumped out off.

We arrived at different set that looked like a dirty bloody dentists office
"Open your mouth and prepare to die!!" The scary nurse yelled as she jumped mouth with bloody drills and dentist tools I squealed and hid behind Sam
"I uhh I don't think we have an appointment" Sam said
"Walk ins are accepted" she cackled
"Ohh that's good, can I book an appointment?"
"I'm free to murder now!"
"Yeah but I'm on a date right now" He says "can I have an appointment next Thursday?"
"Sam why do you always chat with the scare actors?" I asked
"I don't know, I'm not scared so I might as well chat, see how well they stay in character" he shrugs
"Ohh come on' I sighed dragging Sam into the next room "I'm chilly" I complained as we walked thou the outside corn section as it was getting dark
"Aww come here' Sam smiled slipping his jacket off and wrapping it around me giving my head a little kiss
"Come and play with us!' two creepy twins laughed jumping out from around the corner
"Awww okay sure" sam smiled
"Play forever" they giggled
"Ohh I can't do forever I'm visiting the dentist lady on Thursday" he explained
"Sam come on" I sighed dragging him past them until atlast we where fine with the haunted house,
"See that wasn't so bad" he laughs
"Umm you do make huanted houses less scary" I laughed as we walked thought the candle lit pumpkin patch in the darkness
"So? Kfc?" He asks
"Yeah let's go get fast food" I giggled "but first... Wanna have Spooky Halloween sex in the pumpkin patch?'
"Ooohh... Defiantly" he smirked grabbing my hand and dragging me deeper into the dark farm.

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