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I hummed my little tune as I hurried down the cracked dusty London streets trying to hurry as my cloth shopping bags were beginning to dig into my fingers from the weight of their contents and I'd I was any longer all the frozen items I had wouldn't be able to go in the freezer. I sped up as I saw our little house immediately noticing something odd, hu the garage doesn't have the sounds of his drum kit coming from it.

Perhaps he's inside then still an unusual thought.

And the blinds were closed on the living room windows? Maybe he's still in bed?

But I headed inside unlocking and pushing open the door quickly dropping my bags on the kitchen island 

"Y/n!" I headed him gasp so I turned and saw Sam, barefoot in his grey sweats and  faded nirvana shirt, his arm covered with the various coloured fabric and gummy plastic bands from various concerts and festivals that he hadn't removed in years some of them even from before we were dating, his hair a messy head head uncombed or brushed, a look of panic set across his face as he sat in the chair and the moment he had seen me he had snapped his laptop shut in his lap, the colour draining from his face as he stood hiding the laptop behind his skinny body "uhhhhhhh hi honey" he smiled "how uhh how was shopping?" 

"Fine" I giggled "something the matter Sam?"

"No! Nothing is wrong, everything is fine! I swear nothing out of the ordinary here, everything is just as it should be why do you ask?"

"Sam?" I glared

"If anything you're acting strange" 

"Gimme the laptop"

"No!" He yelped bolting for the stairs but I grabbed his shirt and pulled him into the kitchen holding him by his ear "owww…owww" he whined



"If there's nothing wrong why would it matter?"

"Because… it's my laptop it's… private"

"Sam. Hand it over or I will take a knife to your drum set" I warn 

And he begrudgingly handed it over so I set it on the kitchen island 

"I'm giving you one last chance to admit what's going on or I open this laptop and I damn find out" 


"Then tell me"

"No. You'll be mad at me"

"Will I?"


"Alright I'm opening it-"

"No! No sweetie darling please don't"

"Why not?"

"You'll… think differently of me"

"Will I? Why ever would I do that"

"Because of… what it was"

"Of what was?" I smiled tugging his ear again

"Oww! Fine! I woke up and I was all on my own, I didn't know when you were going to get home so…"


"What do you think I was doing" he whined

"Dirty boy" I giggled giving him a kiss and letting him go "in the living room?"

"The internet is quickest down here because your closest to the box"

"Alright Sam." I smiled starting to put the shopping away

"Can i-" he asks going to take the laptop

"No." I warn "what was it you where so embarrassed about?"


"Sam I already know so just tell me. We've been together four years not like I don't know the stuff your into" I smiled as I worked 

"Not all of it" he muttered 

"Oh? So what don't I know?"

"No. You'll never let me live it down. You'll think I'm a perverted bastard and stop loving me, and you'll move out leaving me all alone"

"Awww Sammy" I smiled giving him a cuddle "I won't think any less of my lovely boyfriend just because he likes some of the deeper bits of pornhub. I'll still love you"

"You will?"

"Of course I will." I smiled "unless it's like… crimes. Then I may have some feelings about it"


"So long as knowones being stabbed, torchered, held against their will, underage, animals or anything else illegal it won't be a problem"

"Uuuuuuuuuuughh… define against their will"

"How so?"

"I don't want -"

"You started this you'll finish it Sam" I warn

"Against their will but their not real?"

"I know porn is very fake Sam that's still rude of the pornstars to say their not real"

"No I mean like… they aren't real people."

I glared and opened the laptop much to his panick but he relaxed as I was met with his login screen "password?"

"I don't want to tell you" he yelped


"Please it's my laptop I don't go begging to get on your computer -"

"Sam tell me and tell me now or so help me I will throw away your drum kit, kick you out of this house and never let you have sex with me again"

"You" he sighed 


"You. My password is you."

I typed my name admittedly that was sweet but it didn't work the computer demanded a passcode not a word 


"....your measurements"


"Humm" he nods sheepishly 

So I typed them in and it opened up revealing what he had been watching, he wasn't on PornHub he was on Reddit. 






"This is why I didn't want to show you" 

"Dirty boy" I smiled shutting the laptop as I had seen enough giving it back to him 

"Your not mad at me?"


"Oh. Okay. So your fine-"

"If that's what you wanna watch Sam" I shurg returning to my sorting "and it's not a crime against their will, if there animated"

"You still love me?"

"Of course I do"

"You don't care I'm kinda into that?"

"Everyone has their kinks my love" I smiled giving him a kiss 

"I guess. Is there anything…you're into I don't know about?"

"Later. If your a good boy"

"Alright, I was only watching it because I didn't know when you were getting home. If you were here of course I'd just look at my beautiful girlfriend" he smiled giving me a cuddle "whom I love very much"

"I love you too Sam. Just no more secrets Mr"

"I won't I promise" he smiled "did you maybe wanna… help me out?" He asked pressing himself against me, letting me feel he was still hard "maybe you and I could go upstairs, maybe watch a few… videos together, I could show you some I like, you could… show me some you like?" 

"When I've put the shopping away yes" I smiled giving him a kiss 

Sam ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now