I think I have a groupie

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I sat fixing up my kit ready for our performance tonight, it was just a little show in a local pub but we where getting paid and honestly at nineteen we where lucky for a show at all.
"Sam? You ready man?" Luke asked as he plugged in his guitar
"Uhh yeah should be" I nodded, we started out set doing a song we wrote and then a couple of covers, people in the pub seemed to like it mostly factory work guys and a few college kids in tonight. As we where changing over from one song to another I spotted a girl, she looked my age, she was beautiful, her hair done, her make up done nice too in a rather sweet purple dress, she had clearly dressed up tonight, she smiled as she saw me looking at her and waved I nodded to her making her blush hard, as soon as we finished up we gathered our stuff and went for a drink
"Hi" a little voice smiled, I looked up and saw that girl
"Uhh hi,"
"Y/n" she says offering her hand
"Sam" I smiled taking it and giving her hand a kiss making her blush a little more
"What are you drinking?"
"Uhh cider, did you-"
"One cider and a blue please" she told the bar man and he nodded she paid and handed me the cider when it came
"Thanks, do you uhh come here alot I've not seen you before"
"Sometimes, I wanted to come see you boys tonight"
"You did?" I asked "really?"
"I like it, I think you guys are really good" she smiled moving a little closer
"Yeah? Well thanks very much, your sweet."
We sat and chatted for a good while until I finished my drink and had to load up luke's car with all our stuff I thanked her again and gave her hand another kiss before going to help load and pack everything away once we where done I told the guys to head off I was only a twenty minute walk home anyway, so I waved them goodbye as the car left
"Hi sam" I heard as the poor opened I looked and saw it was y/n with a little black moto jacket
"Ohh hi y/n, you heading home too?"
"If uhh if you wanted I'd happily walk you home? It's getting late"
"I'd like that" she smiled so we slowly walked together talking about this and that "I really wish you guys plaid more often I love coming to watch"
"You do? Well if uhh if you wanted I could always tell you about shows? I could uhh I could text you and stuff"
"I'd like that" she smiled so we traded numbers "guess I'm kinda you boys groupie now"
"Ohh, no no y/n, I wouldn't say it was like that."
"It's okay, I like being a groupie" she giggled as we walked past the park "but, isn't it usually that groupies get all this nice treatment and stuff because they...sleep with the band members"
"In some situations yeah, why do you ask?"
"Just curious" she giggled holding my hand I smiled squeezing her hand back a little and as I did she yanked me into the park and ran, I happily ran with her Into a dark part of the park with thick trees and a little river with a bridge and walk way, she pushed me up against the handrail of the bridge and kissed me, I happily kissed her back egar with excitement wrapping my arms around her waist as she pushed her body against me completely feeling her thin dress, her lack of bra, and her rubbing her hips against my own
"Ummmm y/n" I groaned as she kissed down my neck "you wanna head back to my place?"
"I'm good here" she smirked giving my neck a harsh love bite
"Ummmm y/n.... Umm baby" I groaned as we kissed gently feeling her up where I could as she had little on below her dress "Maybe I wanna take you home, so we can... Do other stuff" I suggested pulling her back to kissing me us heavily making out
"What could we do there that we can't do here" she smirked pulling me along the bridge with her until we found a close and thick tree she pushed me against it and undid my belt, I was nervous about someone seeing us but I didn't care I was beyond excited, I had only ever for a blow job like twice my whole life! And never when I was this excited and wound up, let alone from a girl this attractive, she moved to her knees and tugged my jeans down pulling my boxers with them letting my half hard cock jump into her hands, she giggled excitedly and I bit my lip as she rubbed all over me and peppered kisses up and down my shaft I gripped the tree trying not to moan too loud and draw attention to us. But as she took me in her mouth that idea went out the window, she was so good, so attentive, sucking me like she was an expert, I moaned and groaned like crazy but I didn't care it felt so good I knew I was gonna cum but she stopped pulling away and tugging my pants up
"Y/n" I whined pulling her to kiss me and groping her breasts thought her dress "come on baby, I'm so close"
"What's the magic word?" She giggled kissing my neck
"Ummmm y/n, please baby"
She giggled and grabbed my hand again dragging me somewhere else even if my feet didn't wanna move till we got to the picnic area of the park with a few wooden benches even in the dark I could see the smirk on her lips and the glint of excitement in her eyes she grabbed my shirt and leant against the table pulling me to kiss her, I grabbed her harshly almost Agressively making out with her grabbing her ass, her breasts, anything I could get my hands on as I grind my hard cock in her, she plaid with my hair as we kissed till she pulled back leaving me breathless "y/n! Come on baby please" I whined kissing down her neck not wanting to stop she giggled and reached a hand I to her jacket pocket and handing me a sensitive thin feel condom, "ummmm fuck baby" I groaned taking it from her and kissing her again "you get ready" I winked to her moving back to undo my jeans letting them drop to my knees as well as pushing down my boxers but not to much as even though we are in a empty park at one am doesn't mean we weren't in public still anyone could see us and I didn't want us to get in trouble, I slipped the condom on feeling the cold lube on me as she turned over to lay on the table on her stomach and she flicked up her dress showing she didn't have panties either, just looking at her bent over the picnic table with her ass complete exposed made me harder then ever "fuck. Come her baby" I groaned grabbing her ass squeezing it hard she was so squishy and soft, "ummmm your ass is so soft baby, I wanna fuck you so bad!" I groaned
"So then fuck me" she giggled running her foot up my inside leg
I bit my mouth hard as I moved and slipped inside her dripping pussy, I wanted to scream, but I was in another world, my hips moving in there own already called from her sucking I kept my hands grabbing her ass as I got faster and faster each time I did she would moan
"Uhh ughhh! Ughh! Uuuuh!" She moaned in pleasure with each thrust
"Fuck! Baby! Ummmm! Uhhh! Uughhh! Baby! Baby!" I moan back at every wave of pleasure often slapping her ass when she got to noisy I didn't wanna stop I didn't ever wanna stop and suddenly she tightened around me and screamed I kept going letting her ride it out and only a few thrusts more I hit my own rocketing into the state I had long missed going hilt deep inside her as I finished into the condom "fuck... That was amazing y/n."
"Your welcome" she giggled getting up and fixing her dress having to basically hold me up as I did my pants up "did you enjoy yourself?"
"Yeah, I did enjoy it, very very much baby. Did you?"
"Very much, maybe next time you guys do a show you'll have to text me and I'll come finish your night like that again" she winked
"Not sure I can wait that long for you baby. I'll text you later okay?"
"Okay" she smiled giving me a kiss "I best get home, talk soon sam" she smiled giving me another kiss and waving as she headed out of the park, I waved back and almost collapsed on the table gasping looking up at the night sky
"Fuck.... I think I have a groupie." I smirked I got up eventually and headed home and rushed up to my room collapsing in the bed just as I did I got a text so I grabbed my phone

Y/n :
Hope you got home safe sam, I hope you see you again soon X

And then a beautiful picture of her laid in her bed the skirt of her dress pulled up to reveal her sexy pussy, and her dress tugged down enough I completely reveal her breasts, I could tell already the picture had made me hard I smirked and texted back

I did, hope you did too, I will definitely be seeing you again soon baby X

Then I pulled my jeans and boxers down looking as sexy as I could sending her a picture back and instantly she texted back

Y/n :
10:30 in the shopping center suit you sam?

So I smirked and texted her back,

Perfect with me baby, I'll bring the condom this time ;)

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