First Kiss

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I smiled even if I was more than a little nervous standing by the stone wall and fence of the park at the entrance sam had agreed to meet me at, he was running a little late but he did text me that his train was on the underground got delayed so he would likely be here soon. I fidgeted a little in my little white trainers, my thigh-high black and white stripey socks, and my little white and black spotted sundress, holding my handbag tightly watching as people go back and forth.

I giggled as I saw across the road Sam in his usual jeans, Nike's, his green jacket and his button-down. as he ran through the streets almost getting run over. as he bolted over. "Hi Sam" I waved 

"Hi y/n!" he waves back as he came over "Hello"

"Hello" I giggled 

"I uhh I brought you... uhhh caramel something or other? I just popped into the store and pointed to the drink you usually have and this is what the guy handed me" he shrugs handing a drink to me 

"Thank you sam" I smiled taking it nicely 

"I am really sorry about being-" He began 

"Sam. It's okay I wasn't waiting long" I smiled taking his hand 

"Okay," he blushed a little "Shall we?"

"We shall" I giggled tugging him along into the park, we walked around the park looking at the trees and flowers, and once we found a nice spot we sat down on the grass together finishing our coffee and having our little chat 

"I'm really happy you could meet me today"

"Well I love getting to spend time with you sam"

"I know, I just know how busy I've been lately and I haven't been the easiest to get hold off I don't like being so hard to get hold off I feel like I kinda abandoned you" 

"It's fine sam I know your busy" I smiled 

"Your sure?"

"I'm sure, I know you'll chat when you're not too busy"

"Your the sweetest girlfriend in the world"

"Well... I didn't know I was your girlfriend?" I blushed 

"Ohh" He blushed "Uhh well I think you are, Unless you-"

"No. I'd like that" I smiled "So long as you're okay being my boyfriend?"

"I am." He blushed hard 

"Well, it's a little odd. given we haven't even kissed yet"

"Well... I can fix that" He smiled 

I blushed hard but let my eyes flutter shut as he moved closer inches from my lips but before we could kiss I suddenly felt wet we both jumped in panic as he felt it too noticing immediately the sprinklers for the park grass had started up coating us in water making us both squeal and get up running for cover but there was nowhere to go that wouldn't get us soaked he just started laughing wrapping his arms around my waist 

"Sam we have to go we'll get soaked"

"I don't care. I'm not missing this moment with you" he smiled pulling me close pressing his lips to mine, I blushed hard and kissed back holding him tightly as the sprinkles rained over us. Till I pulled back and smiled nuzzling into his chest 

"I love you sam"

"I-I love you too" he stuttered giving me a tight squeeze 

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