It's not your turn!

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I smiled as I drive my little car though the bussling streets I couldn't help but smile looking over to her sat in her sweet black tights, her black shirt with half sleaves, her cute little yellow pinafore dress I rested my hand on her thigh a moment giving it a squeeze as I drove.

"Yes sam?" She asks

"You look so beautiful. I don't know how I ever got such a beautiful girlfriend"

"Magic" she smiled leaning over to kiss my cheek

"The most wonderful magic my darling" I cooed before I pulled up at the store parking up so we both climbed out, I grabbed a trolley from a near by park and she got the bags from the back I locked the car as she came taking the trolley sitting her bag in the child seat with the shopping bags. I smiled walking along with her into the store we went up and down the first few mostly homewear bits and bobs, forks, pans, glasses and such chatting between each other about this and that I smiled and wrapped my arms around her nuzzling into her neck giving her cheek a kiss

"Sam!" She complained

"What? Aren't I allowed to snuggle you and show you how much I love you"

"Yes sam but not in Tesco" she giggled pushing me away "go on, go find halloween sweet bags"

"I thought we bought like two bags? Last time we went shopping?"

"No. You are mistaken"

"Y/n I know I bought two bags of trick or treat sweets. I remember"

"Nope. Must have vanished"

"Y/n" I warn "did you consume them?"

"I had one bag. While I was watching the emmys"

"Yeah I ate the other bag the other day when I broke my drum"

"Go on then go grab some more"

"Alright, and remember to grab me more toothpaste darling"

"I will" she smiled so I gave her lips s little kiss and went around to the seasonal isle I mean it's halloween tonight I was imagining costumes, and candy, and jack-o'-lanterns, skeleton decor, glasses with hands on, plastic weapons you know... halloween stuff but as soon as I turned that corner of was a explosion of red and gold, Christmas stuff. Trees, baubles, decorations, gift sets, mince pies, a giant Christmas sticker on the floor, tinsel around the shelfs, Christmas trees on boards hanging from the ceiling. And this wasn't like new this had clearly been like this a while now. I sighed and went back to y/n "that was quick, where's the Halloween sweets?"


"What do you mean gone" she laughed coming around herself "ah. I see"

"God damn it. I know Xmas is there money making time but can't they just let us have halloween first it's literally halloween tonight and there is nothing not even a pumpkin" I complained

"It sickens me. I love halloween"

"I know darling. Tis the world we live in I'm afraid. Come on let's go to the sweet isle and find some there" I told her "and I'll buy you some extra sweeties as your sad*

"Thank you Sam" she smiled snuggling with my arm as we went on to continue our shopping

"Damn stores. Fuck off Christmas it's not your turn yet" 

Sam ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now