Young To Be In Love

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I sat down on the bench beside my stepdad, feeling the cold of the winter air seep through my clothes. I let out a deep sigh as we both wrapped our hands around the warm cups of hot chocolate. The steam from the cups rose into the chilly air, adding to the serene atmosphere that surrounded us. The breeze picked up, and the faux fur on the hood of my coat brushed against my skin, making me shiver. I turned my gaze towards the water, watching the little boats pass by while the ripples created by their movement danced across the surface. Across the city, I saw many cranes moving and changing, a testament to the constant development of the city. People walked by us, their footsteps on the brick path, but none of them paid us any attention. We sat in silence for a while, enjoying the peacefulness of the moment, before my stepdad finally spoke.

"So?" He began, "Is it just mum or... is it something else?" he asked, "Maybe school?" he suggested, "Are you being bullied? or... is it something worse?"

I didn't know how to begin so I just looked down at my cup,

"you can't give me any clues?" he asked,

"You really want to know?" I asked,

"I really want to know," he nodded,

"Even if you won't be able to do anything to help?"

"Even if that's the case... yeah."

"Okay," I nodded, "Well... truth is," I began, "Actually... I'm in love,"

"Sorry?" His jaw dropped,

"I know I should be thinking about Mum all the time and I am, but... the truth is I'm in love, I was before she died and there's nothing I can do about it,"

"Aren't you a bit young to be in love?" he laughed,


He laughed and tussled my hair, "I'm a little relieved,"

"Why?" I rasied an eyebrow,

"I thought... it would be something worse,"

"Worse than the total agony of being in love?"

He realised I had a point and nodded "You're right... total agony," He said,

We both just sat and watched the water once more, before he spoke again,

"They have a name?" he asked carefully,

"Yes, she does," I told him,

"She okay that narrows it down to half of everyone you've met in your short little life," he chuckled,

"Y/n," I told him,

"Y/n?" he stopped a moment, "You're little friend from down the road? the Y/H/C ?"


"I see, And how does she feel about you then?"

"I'm her best friend,"

"Ahhh the friend zone,"

"I know, and no one has ever escaped a friend zone,"

"it is possible."

"It is?"

"It is,"

"...Show me,"

I held my breath but I knew I had to do this, she was leaving soon moving away and I may never see her again, I went over where she stood with her locker unpacking it for the winter break and of course her move.

I was immediately blushing just from her beautiful Y/H/C hair in a sweet green bow, her gentle green eyes, and her sweet pale skin, all I wanted to do was kiss her and tell her everything I had ever wanted to tell her.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06 ⏰

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