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I walked along the dark london pathways with y/n walking along beside me "what ever happened with you and that trainee doctor guy?" I asked her

"Eh he was a massive germaphobe" she answered "it's okay I'll just be single for a while more I like being single, I wanna find the right man"

"Yeah I'm sure you will y/n"

"Gimme your wallets!" A mugger yelled as he jumped out from a alley with a knife

"Ahhh!" She squealed and I admit I screamed a little too we both happy handed over our wallets

"There empty that the fuck!"

"We're college kids! We don't have money!" I yelled in panic

"Gimme your phones!"

"I left my at home to charge" she says

"I don't have one right now, it smashed where my roommate threw it at a magic cat while on LSD last week" I explain

"I hate being in uni areas" he sighed "fine!" He yelled before he threw his knife at us and ran off

"Ohh my god! That was insane" I said in panic

"Uhhh sam" y/n spoke up and I saw the knife had hit her shoulder

"Oh my god! Your been hit! You've been stabbed! I'll call an ambulance what's your type!" I said

"Tall, slender, thin wrists, blonde hair, brown eyes, usually named sam, who play drums, and are kinda stupid" she explained

I froze for a moment by her concepts "uuuuhh..... yay! But I meant your blood type"

"Oh. I have no idea" she answered "and... how are you going to call and ambulance?"

"I lied. I have my phone" I admitted getting my phone

"You could have given up your phone! And I got stabbed!"

"I know I'm sorry, I'll call you an ambulance. And... maybe call you tomorrow? For a date?"

"Sounds nice but please... ambulance"

"Ambulance, yes." I nodded 

Sam ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now