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I hummed to myself as I made up some lunch for us both and brought it over to the table, 

"Lunch is done, Sam!" I called him

"Humm?" he muttered 

"Lunch Sammy," I told him 

"Ohh okay one sec," he said 

so I took my seat at the table and began with my own lunch "Sammy" I warned


"Lunch," I told him 

"Ohh yeah shit- sorry," he said 

"I regret introducing you to TikTok" I sighed I got up from the table and stole his phone from his hand 

"Hey!" He complained 

"Lunch. I cooked. come and eat it" I told him 

"I'm coming, I'm coming" he laughed coming to the table 

"I knew it was a bad idea, it's not good for your attention span Sam" I warn

"I'm sorry, I'll put a time use lock on the app I promise" He smiled having some food "Ummm lovely sweetheart"

"Thank you" I smiled 

Sam ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now