inside the broken lift

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I hurried down the street in my little shoes slightly playing with the skirt of my dress until I spotted him stood head deep in his phone in his nike's, his tight blue jeans, his red plaid button down done up tight around him, his green Jacket over him with his brown messenger bag across him the bag behind him sitting against his back 

"Sam!" I giggled jumping on him

"Whoa! Hiya y/n" he laughs hugging me too 

"I've missed you so bad' 

"I've missed you more" he smiled "seems like forever since I've seen you" he smiled as we began to walk to his apartment building 

"Well somebodies been busy with his band boys"

"I know, well tours all over I'm all yours now" he laughs as we got I to the building he held the door open for me so I happily headed in 

"Good, you know sam you gotta get yourself a girlfriend someone I can hang out with while you disappear for months" 

"Yeah, maybe y/n" he nods as we got I to the lift it shut behind us and he pressed the button for his floor the old clanky thing slowly moved it always made me nervous his building was old and cheap but he wasn't here much so it didn't much matter the lift was always breaking down and messing up because of how old it was. And all of a sudden his shuddered and stopped by the doors didn't open the lights went out sam tried opening the doors but all the buttons did nothing "fuck the damn things buggered again" he complained "guess we're stuck" he sighed 

"Damn it" I sighed "no bars' I sighed checking my phone no wifi signal, no 4g and no phone signal,

"Same nothing, I'll email the landlord downstairs and hopefully if I keep my 4g on it'll send over" he explained writing a little email "till then I guess we should get comfy" he sighed 

It wasn't fun but I have to admit if I was locked in a broken lift with anyone I'm happy it's Sam we had so much to talk about anyway we talked for a good long while about everything and nothing I began to feel a chill wrapping my arms around myself in my little dress 

"Here, so you don't get cold" he says slipping his jacket off having since dumped his bag and mine in the corner of the lift he pulled it off and wrapped it around my shoulders I smiled snuggling into the warm fabric it smelt like him, like he was giving me a big snuggly hug as I did I heard a sound I Jumped a little turning to Sam who had his phone in his hand quickly shoving it in his pocket

"What was that?" I asked 

"What was what?"

"Your phone went off? Do you have signal!"

"No! No I don't. It uhh it was nothing"

"Sam I heard your phone make a noise what was it?" I asked 

"Nothing just ahh an app notification" he says hiding his phone like it was a international secret 

"Sam give me the phone"


"Why not? What Don't you want me to see?" 

"Nothing nothing just uhhh it's nothing' 

I managed to get his phone and he panicked his face to turning white as I unlocked his phone "no no no no y/n Don't look at that" he says 

Instantly I noticed the only app open was camera so I went into it fighting sam off the whole time as he tried to get his phone back I clicked on the little bit at the bottom to show me the most recent photos he took expecting some photos from his trip or maybe some numbers and papers as he was bad at remember them so he always pictured them but I was taken back confused a moment at what exactly I was looking at, in the most recent picture, he saw me see if and stopped fighting me going very sheepish and as I looked at the photo more it clicked and I recognized my little blue and white striped panties and I realized what this was 

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