office dilemmas.

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TW: violence

it was christmas eve and you were still stuck at the office.

your first week at work felt surreal. like you were a child that was thrown into the deep end with a deflated life raft. but you loved every minute, even if you looked like you were drowning on the surface, your legs were working tirelessly underneath to keep you afloat and calm. after kylo sprung the new position on you outside mo's, you started to become flustered at how much power he was giving to you. normally it was the other way around. but as you got used to deciding designers, choosing models and creating your own work space, you liked the dominating control you had. sitting at your desk, finishing up an email with a client you gazed at the photo that lay on your desk, you and kylo asleep on the couch with chinese boxes surrounding you, only rey would have had the balls to whip out her polaroid camera and take a cheeky photo before vanishing back into her room.


"i cant believe you did this whole surprise just for me" you splurted out of your mouth that was filled to the brim with cheese fries. wiping away the drunken haze of grease from the side of your mouth, you and kylo sat huddled together in a booth, while rey had everyone else doing the macarena at 3 am.

"well you are my angel" he mumbled back to you while his eyes lay shut, and head pondered its weight against the condensated window of the diner. his hand lay flat on your thigh, stroking your knee in soft circles, both too tired to act upon any intimate touch in the bathroom but happy that you could feel each other close. "besides this isn't even your present"

your sat up out of your food coma, surprised at all the luxuries he had already showered you with and wondered what else he could get you. you were already happy, you didn't need anything else from him.

when you finally retired to your apartment it was dawn and the city was finally waking up, making coffee as your haze of sleep had passed, kylo had to leave to see snoke in a couple of hours and you had promised to head to the office and get a full run down from poe. mugs in hand, kylo took yours out of your palm and pulled two boxes out from under the sofa.

you were astonished. one was emerald green and rectangular with a black bow wrapped around and tied delicately on top, while the other was almost briefcase like, only smaller, your gut dropped when your eyes gazed over it.

he handed you the black box first and a gasp left your mouth at the sudden shift in his actions. placing the cool leather on your legs, your fingertips skimmed the crevices and corners before unhooking the seal and raising the lid. your eyes were dead-set on its contents and you swore you stopped breathing.

a gun.

he had bought you, your own gun. it was only a hand gun that could fit in your purse but when you picked it up and the barrel glimmered in the light, you couldn't help but revel at how beautiful it was. silver with patterns of ivy trailing the barrel while the grip was coated in a shell cream that felt cool to the touch. it wasn't too heavy and the bullets, when checking the rounds, were engraved with 'angel'. you didn't know what to say, shocked and stunned. you thought you would never need a gun, but being with kylo, you forgot about his occupation, until now. when it all hit you, he was in a dangerous position and you might be dragged under with him. you needed protection.

"ky- i"

"i know it's stupid, i just thought because of snoke and people like hux, you need something, just in case, maybe i shouldn't have-"

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