black satin samples

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your back immediately collapsed onto your new memory foam mattress, spine relaxing with every sinking feeling,  body finally being able to let go after how tense you'd made yourself all day. neck slumping, legs scraping over the silk fabric, you were in a state of eternal bliss. before passing out in your work clothes, you got ready for an early night of uninterrupted sleep. kicking off your thigh highs, shimmying out of the oversized tee and completing your skin care lazily like you did every night, you were finally ready to jump into what teased you like heaven.

your head hit the pillow and rolled around until you were on your side, drinking in the soft caress of the material against your cheek, you couldn't help but open your eyes at what you just sensed. the pillow. the smell.

it smelled like him.

the cologne rushing through your every nerve as if he was lying right next to you, the smell of smoke mixed with a charcoal tint of leather. all that was missing was the feeling of his chest slowly moving you up and down under you, you longed for that, the guilt of taking him back and accepting his apology so easily rushed through you. snapping you out of the intoxicating charm he had you under. you flipped over the pillow and shut your eyes. trying to think of anything that wasn't him. it was merely impossible. you were sleeping in a bed he bought you, under the sheets he picked out, on top of the pillow that had his scent, him and your thoughts were intertwined and could never be escaped.

you fell asleep contemplating what he had in store for you tomorrow, how he'd act around you after spending a week apart, would he be as nervous as you were? the text radiating in your head as you dazed off into an epitome of surrender.

"get some sleep angel, you're going to need it"

you smirked before falling unconscious.


you woke up to rey jumping on you, pulling you out of your blissful slumber. she was shaking the covers, pounding her whole body against the bed, practically abusing you with your own pillows.

"you didn't tell me lover boy sent you a whole ass new bed"

you sat up, and grabbed the pillow from her excitable hands.

"two things. one; he isn't 'my lover boy' and two, get out i'm already running late for work"

your cold feet hit the wooden floor with an ache, kylo could fix your back problems but not the soreness that you endeared and endeavoured from wearing heels that practically made you walk like bambi. that was if bambi was a nineteen year old stripper who had too many blisters to count and had terrible balance.

rey didn't move off your bed, instead she slid under the covers and let you get out and ready for the day. you settled for a summery dress with green and white floral patterns, however bundled yourself up with warmth by placing a cream knitted cardigan over the top. pairing it with knee high socks and your very worn down combat boots. you set free the plaits that the hair and beauty girls went hours perfecting, leaving you with a flawless wave of locks, you went subtle with your makeup, a little bit of blush and stroke of mascara and you were ready for your day.

'oh remember I'm working a double shift so i won't be back till tomorrow, early afternoon'

rey was sinking deeper and deeper into the covers as she watched you add some finishing touches with a golden choker and matching earrings. slinging your tote over your shoulder you walked over to her, her facial expression slowly forming into a pout which was accompanied by her big doe eyes, you leaned in and kissed her forehead.

"of course, and yes you can sleep in my bed while i'm at work"

"you read my mind!"

"did i have a choice?"

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