empty rooms and unanswered questions

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before you could answer his question, his lips attacked yours. they were just how you imagined them to be, soft and gentle, but still overpowering. the way his upper lip engulfed yours, claiming it under it's control, you couldn't help but let out a small moan in satisfaction. his tongue now grazing the line of your teeth, pleading for access, for your warmth. you accepted the invitation. his tongue collided with yours, now like you were playing jump rope in each others mouths, you could feel his heavy breaths on your face and you were sure he could feel yours back. 

with one swift motion he pulled you up onto the counter, slotting himself between your thighs. even though you were on a higher surface than him, he still practically towered over you. he was intimidating, and it turned you on. you decided to wrap your legs around him, pulling him closer to your heat that was practically begging for attention. you could feel his warmth against the side of your thigh. all of a sudden this was becoming too much, too real, too fast. you stopped, pulling away. he stared at you, sudden shock entering his face, he was perplexed at your unexpected action. 

"is everything alright angel?" he grazed the side of your cheek with his thumb, pushing back the loose curls as he continued. he looked caring? like he believed he hurt you in some way. you were shitting yourself. how were you supposed to tell this pure god, that you were a virgin. that was practically suicide right? surely he'd freak out? tell you to leave. find another intern to fulfil his suit designing wishes. you took a deep breath. 

"sorry, i just have never..well" you gazed up at him pouting, the kitchen lights hanging above your head acted as a spotlight for your confession. your palms began to clam up, thighs fidgeting away from his touch. you felt embarrassed. almost guilty. 

"you've never had sex?" he looked completely fine, maybe more curious than angry. maybe he was different? maybe he really didn't care? you shook your head as a return comment, feeling as if you spoke back you'd practically puke up the carbs you just devoured. he let out a slight chuckle at your admission. 

"oh my cherry, that just makes me want you even more". that sinister smirk entered your peripherals once again, you couldn't help bite your lip at his comment. he took that with pleasure. resuming his lips on yours, more heavy this time, more dominating, like he wanted to taste all of you, in that exact moment. he's fingers gripping the sides of you waist, dragging your ass closer to his chest, your thighs wrapped around him once again. before you could enjoy the taste of him back, his mouth moved down to your jaw, trailing and grazing your neck. that was the only familiar feeling you had of him, from the night in the plaza. his lips sucking and nipping at your neck, it felt like the missing piece of a jigsaw puzzle. it felt completely perfect. you couldn't help but arch your back away from him, moaning to and fro as his mouth kept attacking your jugular. 

without even feeling the difference in pressure, kylo was now carrying you. you felt weightless in his arms (maybe those few extra pounds you gained really didn't matter after all). he wasn't struggling but showing his strength to you effortlessly. guiding you both in the dark, never leaving your neck alone,  he acted like a puppy with a new toy. he kicked upon his bedroom door and carefully placed you down onto the stygian sheets. your heart began to race. you knew where this night was leading to and you couldn't help but become lustfully eager for it to finally begin. his hands met the end of your dress, pulling it up above your waist, exposing the lack of underwear you decided to choose for the evening. he glared back up at your face, where you were casually biting a nail in anticipation at his reaction to the surprise lack of material. 

"who's already being a naughty girl for me?" his palm resting, pushing down on your sobbing heat, you gasped at the new sensation you were finally feeling. 

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