the christmas party.

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the drive to the party was full of suspense, you were teetering on the edge of paranoia and pleasure. jumping at any sudden movement of his, knowing that at any moment he could, with a flick of a button, send you into a spasm of lust.

but he never did make that move.

always kept you guessing, his fingers never leaving your dress alone; always intertwining the mesh of the fabric between his fingertips. skimming them up down, he noticed your breathing becoming rapid to his small eager touches. leaning over, leaving small kisses along your neck and collarbone as you closed your eyes and let the city's lights become flashes in your sockets. your hand found the tailored suit jacket that you both had spent weeks deciding over; it made you even more ravenous. you couldn't wait any longer; your own hand skimming down his fabric and trying desperately to find the device in his jacket pocket. all of a sudden he bit at   your neck and it caused you to whimper in response.

leaning his plush and pursed lips up to the entrance of your ear, the hot air travelled down your canal and could have sent you over the edge in that moment.

"what did i say hmm? be a good girl or there will be consequences"

you gave him a pouty expression back that just made him flash you that laughable smile you always loved and he went back to holding your thigh with a sense of unwavering security; squeezing it every now and then, reminding you that he was still there. there for you.

it wasn't much longer after that vic, the driver rolled down the partition to announce that you had both arrived. a gulp lodged down your throat and a knot was tying furiously in your stomach.

his hand moved from your thigh now and travelled into your palm, the overwhelming size difference made the knot become just a snag in some thread and the gulp in your throat  vanishing as if you had just cleared  it away with a glass of water.

"don't be nervous. you'll be fine"

"i know- it's just, i won't know anyone, and i don't want to be on your tail all night like a lost puppy"

he kissed your cheek for more reassurance before reaching over you to undo your seatbelt.

"well i happen to like puppies"

"wow the famous kylo ren. a softie for puppies huh? be careful sir, your heart seems to be melting"

before he could answer your quick wit back, vic was already at your door, opening it and extending his hand to aid you out. you forgot how weird it felt to wear a pair of heels that were only a block and not 7 inches. it felt alien to how comfortable you felt, like you were wearing sneakers almost.

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