a gift.

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TW: discussion of violence

the couple of days of festive cheer was briefly blown out because of the mess that kylo had left on your office floor.

a few moments after you had held each other close and he had wiped away the blood that was still pouring from your newly blemished scar, his digits were rapidly pounding on his phone screen and scrolling for his 'knights'.

he had briefly told you about them before, but there was a coldness in the way that he described them. he described them as if they were just tools of manipulation and torture. but the way his facial expressions scattered across his face when speaking about each individual one, you could tell that he regarded them highly as much as a family. vic was the only one that stood out to you, the way kylo's hand gestures and small bursts of breathy laughter erupted from his mouth when telling memories from the past. it felt like more of a brotherly bond had formed between them. why else would you have only ever seen vic's face when catching a ride to work, or to kylo's apartment.

he trusted him.

so thats who he called.

"vic, don't ask questions just get yourself to my location, i'm dropping you a pin now"

he hung up.

it all began to become real, all of it. while you were being cradled in his arms and gazing at the lights and fallen snow of the city outside, it felt like you were in a sphere where time stood still. but then the faint metallic and blood curdling scent filled the air and suffocated you back into a state of paranoia.

he came here to kill you.

there must be others.

will they just keep on coming?

you didn't realise that kylo was standing now, trying to search snoke's body for any ties to his identification. he couldn't be found dead, they would all come. pulling out his mobile and burner phones, wallet, keys, receipts and even old gum wrappers, until the linings of his pockets were bare and unused.

there was a faint pounding of footsteps approaching and you crawled into the corner, hiding your head in amongst your arms. rocking back and fourth, you tried to seperate the sounds from what were in your head and reality. muffled voices were exchanging information, it felt like you could hear and see yourself reliving the events that only happened minutes before.

"you know what you have to do?"

"face, finger tips and clothes. don't worry boss, you know this isn't my first rodeo, and it would be my pleasure to remove this cunts face slowly"

no identification.

by vanishing any sense of snoke's appearance, you realised how disposable people in kylo's life were.

you were brought out of your elbows comfort with kylo cradling you into his arms, pushing strands and dried blood from your face, he placed his lips onto your forehead for reassurance. 

"it's okay angel, we are going to take care of it, ushar is waiting outside to take you home. i'll be home soon okay? we just have to take care of a few things first" 

you tried to focus on his words but you could see vic begin to flick his blade in and out, like he was waiting for the green light. you shut your eyes, and nodded your head. you didn't open them or say anything again until you were in the back seat of the car. 

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