satisfactory gifts

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you woke up in a different location than the bashing waves of the tub that were caressing your sides as your back was connected to him. now as you lay there, you realised he had carried you to the bed, tried to dress you in a t shirt that smelt like him and tucked you under the satin that you loved the most. the sun was already up, and its warmth that was plastered all over your face gave you the impression that it had been for quite sometime. you didn't quite open your eyes just yet, as you heard the door open and a pressure being applied to the mattress that was surely him. guessing correctly, his finger found your astray piece of hair that had fallen over your features while you slept, and he tucked it behind your ear as a soothing way to say 'wake up'. 

you shifted and groaned as you stretched your muscles that had been stiff in one position for the whole night and slowly rubbed your eyes open until the first thing they were greeted with was his face. the same as usual, his nose, his eyes, the moles that were dotted like stars across made it worth gazing upon with the morning breath and bed hair you knew you'd have. you sat in silence for a few seconds, letting a soft, sleepy grin climb its way over your face while he reciprocated your actions like an affectionate mime. his eyes bustled together as the smile exposing his teeth taking control over him and he let out a small chuckle before speaking. 

"good afternoon" 

you didn't respond straight away but turned your head to the digital clock that lay on the bedside next to you which was accompanied with a fresh orange juice and painkillers. the time in the piercing bold red was labelled: 15:07. 

"fuck. why did you let me sleep so long? it's going to be getting dark again soon" 

"you needed it" 

his hand found the glass on the side, and that was your queue to lift yourself up into a seated position with your back hitting the headboard with an ache of stiffened pain. handing the cup into your palm, he grabbed two painkillers off the side and slipped them into your other hand. he was being so gentle with you, so considerate. he didn't speak again until he saw you finish the drink and take the medication. he wanted to make sure you were looked after, the previous night had been a mind fuck and he knew that all you needed right now was company. even if that company was sitting in a lull of silence, and staring out at the skyline as the sun was ready to set once more. 

"do you want the good news or the bad news first?" 

he finally spoke once more, carrying the conversation. he knew you weren't ready to go back to your ways of talking his ear off about miscellaneous things at every chance you got. he wanted to show you that he was here, and wasn't going to leave you in the silence of the dark. your stomach couldn't help but drop at his question however, paranoia was already holding you captive over the last 15 hours, so what possibly could he be hiding. 

"the good?" 

you finally made up your mind, hoping that if that bad news made you ugly cry, his arms would wrap around you and not let you go until the last tear had dropped from your cheek. 

"good news is that rose is doing fine. she's out of surgery, they were able to remove the bullet, rey is with her and she's going to be kept in for a couple more days for monitoring" 

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