the eye of the storm

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awkward was an understatement for the car ride with kylo and his suspicious driver. silence filled the aura of the four doors, until kylo turned to you, gazing into your eyes. it looked like he was mulling over a decision in those hazel honey irises that made you melt each time they locked onto you. he was flicking between each pupil. did the question have two endings? flicking between each of your eyes with a weight of conclusion. you were snapped out of your spell when the driver grunted to kylo. 

"where to ren?"

there was a slight pause and a huff that came from the passenger next to you. 

"the apartment vic" 

suddenly a weight was lifted off of both of your shoulders, sinking and colliding your back with the leather seat that was warming your soaked clothes, you couldn't help but move a tad closer to him, trying to connect you both in some way. your eyes began to close with the lull of his shoulder plate brushing your temple up and down with a slow movement. kylo suddenly got more tense, brushing your head off of him when making eyes straight with the driver, vic? you believed. 

his hand reached for the partition to be pulled up, separating you from the hands rotating on the steering wheel. you suddenly felt tense at the isolation that was connecting you to him. you were still visibly mad though your tiredness was making you more compliant. your thighs were facing away from him now, head staring directly out the window, only turning when the sound of the radio became a muffled noise due to the partition blocking it out. your breath started to canter when you felt his thigh graze next to yours, you didn't want to face him. you wanted answers. his thumb now circled around your inner thigh, trying to seduce you with his touch, he wasn't good with words, he only knew how to win you over physically it seemed. 

you abruptly turned to face him. 

"tell me" 

his thumb stopped his circular patterns.

"not here" 

"well then where? i am sick and tired of being lied to. i deserve to know the truth!" 

your voice was growing louder with every syllable that left it, breathing became faltered, tears where starting to build in your sockets. you couldn't contain the emotions rushing to your brain; anger, sadness...lust. 

"will you shut up or do i have to make you" 

his words became more dominant as they radiated your eardrums. you knew he wasn't one to joke around, but you were feeling like his boundaries and buttons needed to be pushed. tilting your head around to face him fully, noses nearly touching at the invasion of privacy you entered. you could smell his cologne like you had bathed in it, the mixture of his smoke and the fresh fallen rain was permeating your senses. 

"or what?" 

his hand collided with your throat without a second to spare, your chin resting between his thumb and finger. your head was bashed onto the window, abusing you into an unbreakable hold. your felt your airway tightening under his hand, just giving you enough free air to escape passing out. you sensed his eyes skim over your weak body, before returning to your gaze. head tilting at the sight of you helpless under his grip. 

"or i'll have to teach you a lesson" 

thats when you felt his other hand skim the material of your leggings, running his palm over your heat in upwards and downwards motions. you wanted to remain mad at him, deny him your touch, but you were needy.  slightly letting out a moan at the instant rush of euphoria as his thumb began circling your clit. he was smirking at how easy it was for you to crumble under his touch. 

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