A/N thank you

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so this is it. the end to messy sketchbooks.

thank you for all the love, time and care each and every one of you have put into this book.

this journey and story has been with me since august 2020, 6 months of my life, i have dedicated my writing to this fanfic and i would never take it back if i had the choice. this thank you note is being written through teary eyes.

the people i met and have become friends with have also made this all worth it. i am honestly so hurt to see a door close on those book HOWEVER, you are probably thinking, amelia.. how dare you leave us on that cliff hanger wether or not y/n has the baby with kylo?

well... my doves

messy sketchbooks volume 2 WILL RETURN in spring/summer with all the answers.

bear with me! i am beginning to plan the next instalment to messy sketchbooks but along with my studies you will have to be patient with me.

i am still working on a title and everything that will go into it, but i hope i won't disappoint!

in the mean time, i will be updating my new charlie barber fic 'retrograde' in my spare time and off days from studying.

i do not have a clear update schedule for that fic just yet but i am hoping that i will stick to one soon.

all thats left to say is, thank you so much.

this experience has been immense and i wouldn't trade it for the whole world.

i love you all !

feel free to message me whenever, i love talking to you all


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