dinner & diatribes

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you practically skipped back to your apartment after finishing the last tasks poe gave you for the day. a typical coffee run, spilling to fin about a cheeky date you were having later, not telling him who or where you would be taken out. the material room was practically a mess so you were charged with making it look somewhat presentable for the sewers to start working on kylo's suit and your daily catch up with poe to make sure you were settling in okay and nothing was getting to overwhelming.

you loved your job. it may be an internship and paid you close to nothing but it was what you have been dreaming about since you could draw. the little sketches on any surface your small hands could run a crayon over and the endless play dates with rey dressing her up in the newest creation you made. you didn't want it to end. but the internships expiry date was some time in the new year. unless you impressed them enough to keep you on full time, in which you could finally be able to say goodbye to your night shifts at the plaza and get at least an 8 hour sleep.

running up to the apartment, you could hear reys snores before even getting to your door handle. barging in, dropping all your bags where you stood, you started to panic. something elegant, something elegant. fuck. you were a stripper for fuck sake. elegant and regal wasn't really your go to. but you were sure to find something in your closet or maybe 'borrow' from rey's.

rummaging in the smallest closet you have ever seen in the world, hands running past fabrics and fabrics, until your fingertips skimmed over something with a satin texture. you almost forgot. you always had a backup black dress in times of need. which hadn't come to use until tonight. it hung low on your body, back exposed and a slit trailing to the top of your left thigh. this was the one. your boy wanted elegant, he's got it.

you must have woken rey up in your anxiety filled terror as she came barging into your room, still bundled up in her duvet cover, hair a mess, eyeliner smudged on her face.

"what the fuck is all the noise for? beauty sleep only works if you actually sleep!" she shouted in a tone that you couldn't help but laugh at.

she was practically stamping her feet on the hard wood floor before falling flat on her face onto your mattress. "ouch, you really need to invest in a bed frame. the hobo vibe isn't the one" you could hear her muffling through the sheets.

"i know, i know. and as for the noise, i may or may not have a small date with a client tonight"

that was enough for her to gain full consciousness and grab your shoulders tightly like she was about to be pulled into the floorboards.

"oh, my god! tell me more! are they hot? well they must be, you've been so frigid up until now! not saying that's a bad thing or anything." she was rambling, you were sensitive about your lack of experience and she knew this. you zoned out to her words, what if this was the night? what if he didn't want you because you hadn't before? did he just think you were easy because you worked in a strip joint? your mind was being overrun with fear and paranoia. you pushed that feeling deep down, took a deep breath and told rey everything.

"woah, that was-" she didn't know what to say. for someone who never knew how to shut the fuck up in any scenario, she was practically silent.

"a lot? yeah, now can you please help me get ready? i'm already nervous because i have no idea where he's taking me or what we are even doing, i don't need you freaking out on me too!" you were practically tearing up in her arms. you were too sensitive for this, what if it was just a quick fuck? your heart couldn't handle that.

"hey, look at me doll. it's going to fine, you'll have a great time wherever you're going okay?,now sit down and i'll do your hair. don't want to lie to you but you always miss the back pieces!" she chuckled as she was combing through your locks. you gave her an elbow to the side for that snarky but quite right comment.

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